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怨叹的maluré已被larifla所替代。The plaintive malure was replaced by the larifla.

纸箱里发出一声长长的悲鸣。A long plaintive wail emanated from the cardboard box.

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在一千双手的爱抚下,听友情歌唱忧伤。Listening to the plaintive dirges sung out of friendship.

那些京剧演员哀伤的唱腔成了我们生活的配乐。The singers' plaintive squeals form the soundtrack of our lives.

我喜欢上了羌笛那略带哀怨的音色。I fell in love with the subtly plaintive timbre of the Qiang flute.

此曲表现了古代宫女哀怨悲愁的情绪及寂寥清冷的生命意境。It describes the sorrow and plaintive emotion of the ancient lady-in-waiting.

有时我们不无哀怨地在语音信箱中留言,但有回应的极少。Sometimes we could leave a plaintive message on voice mail, but few were returned.

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别了!别了!你那幽怨的颂歌将消退,越过草地,穿过静静的小溪。Adieu! adieu! thy plaintive anthem fades, Past the near meadows, over the still stream.

突地又想起了戴望舒的那条如梦般凄婉迷茫的雨巷了。Tude has thought of Dai Wangshu plaintive confused as to which the Dream of the Rain Lane.

但我相信,那种哀怨的无声的诉说,一定是一种生命的绝唱!Yet I believe those plaintive silent words must be a masterpiece singing the praises of life!

但我相信,那种哀怨的无声的诉说,一定是一种生命的绝唱!Yet I believe those plaintive silent words must be a masterpiece singing the praises of life !

从水塘彼岸的树林里不知什么地方传来几声鹅的哀鸣,转而又悠然消逝。From somewhere in the woods beyond the pond, the plaintive calls of geese honked and died away.

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能让这一切的哀怨惆怅化为一屡屡青烟飞向云霄吗?。Can let this all plaintive change into a repeatedly blue smoke disconsolately , flies to Yunsiao?.

丰盈的季节变得沉甸甸的,浓荫下飘来牧童哀怨的笛声。For the season grows heavy with its fullness, and there is a plaintive shepherd's pipe in the shade.

有一种特别的叫声,带着告状的哀怨的吱吱声,越来越常出现了。One particular bark, which has a telltale plaintive squeak to it, features more and more frequently.

唉!那是许多年以前,“她说,声音变得那么悲哀,那么柔和,跟平时的嗓音完全不同了。"Oh! That was years ago, " said she, in a voice unlike her usual tones, so plaintive was it, and so soft.

宝玉听了此曲,散漫无稽,不见得好处,但其声韵凄惋,竟能销魂醉魄。Baoyu could see no merit in these disjointed and cryptic songs, but the plaintive music intoxicated his senses.

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如果说这些故事让人黯然神伤的话,那是因为这些天购房者们似乎都在默默“潜伏”。If there was something plaintive about those stories it is because buyers seem to be in hibernation these days.

小白用头在海蒂的肩上轻轻的蹭着,不再发出那样的哀叫了。The young animal rubbed its head contentedly against Heidi's shoulder, and no longer gave such plaintive bleats.

李煜、李清照,是婉约词派的代表词人,人称“词家二李”。Li Yu and Li Qingzhao were representatives of Chinese plaintive Ci poets and they were called "dual Li in Ci poets".