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过度补偿错误。Overcompensate for mistakes.

你必须超常赔偿我的损失。You must overcompensate for my loss.

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你还得额外补偿他们的精神损失。You have to overcompensate them for their mentle loss.

当然,不能因此而影响到拟饵的泳姿。However, don't overcompensate and hurt the action of the lure.

他们过度补偿从而让自己处于消极的一端。They overcompensate and end up on the passive end of the spectrum.

不要找藉口,被自己打败或矫枉过正。Don't make excuses, beat yourself up, or overcompensate for your error.

因为你认为你是个白人小子,所以你有时为了自卑而反应过度?Do you feel like because you're a white boy, you got to overcompensate sometimes?

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这种自卑情结让矮个子男人过分激进,欲盖弥彰。That`s an inferiority complex where short men overcompensate by being aggressive.

我发现要达到我的愿望,我需要克服我温和的外表这一关。I have found that I need to overcompensate for my " soft" appearance in order to get my point across.

当假期来临,忙碌的家长给那些有太多自由时间的孩童的过量补偿,就是以各种活动来压倒孩子。Come the holidays, parents overcompensate for kids having so much free time by overwhelming them with activities.

关键是你要确定你没有过度地犒劳了你自己,以至于进食了比你所燃烧的更多的热量。The key is to make sure that you don't overcompensate and end up taking in more calories than you're actually burning.

他们害怕失败或者无休止的妥协,他们害怕自己会陷入平庸或在别的领域里一无是处。They are so afraid of failure or unending compromise that they sabotage themselves into mediocrity or attempt to overcompensate in other areas.

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在实践中,原来这是更好地为来弥补对内外引起向内偏转,增加了外向偏航位来改善生产线的紧张局势。In practice, it turned out that it was better to overcompensate for the inward yaw on outsides, to add a bit of outward yaw to improve line tension.

一个在跑步者中常见的饮食错误是他们用更多的食物和饮料的中额外卡路里来过度补偿锻炼消耗掉的卡路里。One common eating mistake among runners is that they overcompensate for the calories burned by exercise with extra calories from more food and beverages.

这一情结以拿破仑的名字来命名,用以描述那些实际上有自卑心理却因此变的野心勃勃的小个子。Named after the legendary general and emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, the condition describes men of small build who have an inferiority complex and overcompensate for it.

据说有一种拿破仑情结,是由精神分析学家阿尔弗雷德·安德勒命名的,指矮小的人会为了矫正他们的身高劣势而富于攻击性。There is something called the Napoleon complex, which was identified by the psychoanalyst Alfred Adler, by means of which small men are supposed to overcompensate for their height by aggressiveness.