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当男性内衣模特儿?Model men's underwear?

你看见我的底裤没有?Did you see my underwear?

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这件内衣我穿了会发痒。This underwear tickles me.

尼龙内衣很容易洗。Nylon underwear washes well.

史丹佛,他可是个内衣模特。Stanford, he's an underwear model.

但如果单买内裤则要26.5美元。An underwear alone is 26.5 dollars.

听过可食用的内衣吗?Have you heard of edible underwear?

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弹力牛仔裤、椅套、内衣。Stretch jeans, seat-covers, underwear.

万万不可盲目选择男士内裤。Must not blindly select men's underwear.

卡尔文·克莱恩设计牛仔裤及内衣。Calvin Klein designs jeans and underwear.

别闹了,伙计,我已经没有多余的内衣裤了。Come on, man, I'm running out of underwear.

针织高领内衣颜色多。Knitting high-necked underwear many colors.

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内裤能消除放屁的味道!Underwear that takes the smell out of farts!

安德伍德的内衣在德伍德的森林里。Underwood's underwear was in Durwood's woods.

全棉内衣,给您百般体贴。All-cotton underwear brings you every comfort.

安德伍德的内衣裤是在德伍德的森林里。Underwood 's underwear was in Durwood's woods.

文章说当时的女士们不穿打底裤。The article says ladies did not wear underwear.

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扔掉那些破旧的内衣和染色的袜子。Throw out the torn underwear and stained socks.

请问你最喜爱的女性内衣品牌是?What is your favourite underwear brands in HK ?

你喜欢有胸垫的内衣还是没有胸垫的?Do you like the underwear with a bra pad or not?