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最大的海港在哪里?Where is the biggest seaport?

图为爱琴海中的海港卡瓦拉。Left, the seaport of Kavala on the Aegean.

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特拉利是海港和制造业中心。Tralee is a seaport and manufacturing center.

波尔多是海港城市,它盛产的葡萄酒名扬天下。Bordeaux, a seaport and most famous for its wine.

探花来自大阪南部的堺市。No. 3 is from the seaport of Sakai, south of Osaka.

世贤在海港巧遇渔船船长龙海,二人投缘。He wanders the seaport and meets a fisherman, Long Hai.

修建这样大的海港在我国还是第一次。Build so the big seaport in our country is the first time.

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列支敦士登也是真正意义上的内陆国家,没有海港,甚至连个飞机场都没有。It's truly land-locked, without a seaport or even an airport.

这座城市是一个主要的海港和全年旅游胜地。The city is a major seaport and year-round resort. Population, 115,215.

最近,我们在南街海港附近发现了一个新的小公园。And then we just discovered a new little park down near South Street Seaport

机场和海港对付进口和出口重荷商品很重要。The airport and seaport are important to import and export of portable goods.

上海是中国通向世界的东大门,是中国最大的海港城市。Shanghai is China's major eastern gate to the outside world and its largest seaport.

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你想要逃避华尔街的喧闹骚动,可以参观附近的南街海港。To escape the commotion of WallStreet , you can visit the nearby South Street Seaport.

该市拥有繁忙的深水海港,也是岛上商业、旅游、运输的集散中心。It has a busy seaport and is a commercial, tourist and transportation hub of the island.

南部海港转移到广东,通过这些海港,江南可以很容易地到达江西。The southern seaport shifted to Guangdong which the Jiangnan could easily reach via Jiangxi.

高松日本四国岛东北部一城市,位于濑户内海沿岸,是一个重要的海港。A city of northeast Shikoku, Japan, on the Inland Sea. It is a major seaport. Population, 327,001.

高松日本四国岛东北部一城市,位于濑户内海沿岸,是一个重要的海港。人口327,001。A city of northeast Shikoku, Japan, on the Inland Sea. It is a major seaport . Population, 327, 001.

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在河流出海口100英里以内的大西洋,你所喝到的水都还淡水。Within 100 miles of the launch-out seaport of Atlantic, the water you can drink are all fresh water.

纽约是全世界重要城市的原因之一,就在于它是一个大型商业海港城。One of the reasons for the worldwide importance of New York is that it is a large commercial seaport.

3月19日,狂欢的人们在曼哈顿南街海港的一艘船的甲板上庆祝洒红节。Revelers celebrate Holi on the deck of the ship Peking at South Street Seaport in Manhattan March 19.