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那个凶残的匪首被处决了。The ferocious chieftain was executed.

高地酋长有两个女儿。The highland chieftain has two daughters.

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同样是为了尊重木氏土司。Also as a way of respect for Chieftain Mu.

在那里他碰到了著名的绍山酋长华谢基。There he met the famous Shoshone chieftain Washakie.

这里长眠着格罗姆•地狱咆哮,战歌氏族的酋长。Here lies Grommash Hellscream, Chieftain of the Warsong Clan.

从前,有一个叫做天不怕的酋长。Once upon a time, there was a famous chieftain named Fearless.

贵州惠水地区的八番土司便是土司制度历史变迁的一个缩影。The chieftain of Ba-fan is an epitome of the whole chieftain system.

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那个国家的首领这一次伪装出一副施恩者的姿态。The chieftain of that country is disguised as a benefactor this time.

有名非洲酋长搭飞机到美国拜访总统。An African chieftain flew to the United States to visit the president.

土匪头子困兽犹斗,在绝望中向四面八方乱打一气。Like an animal at bay, the bandit chieftain laid about in desperation.

诺瑟·赖首领代表夸伦人民向他效忠。Chieftain Nossor Ri pledges the loyalty of the Quarren people to his rule.

土匪头子困兽犹斗,在绝望中向四面八方乱打一气。Like an animal at bay, the bandit chieftain laid about him in desperation.

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夸伦人首领诺瑟·赖不忍心看这可怕的一幕。Quarren Chieftain Nossor Ri cannot bring himself to watch this gruesome sight.

并以此为典型反映土司制度在羌族地区的施行状况。The implementation of the system of the Dala chieftain is also typically discussed.

只有这样才能把中国土司制度的研究引向深入。It is hoped that these efforts will promote the studies of China's chieftain system.

当部落的新酋长掌权时,他就会在瓜达维达湖进行登基仪式。When a new chieftain rose to power, his rule began with a ceremony at Lake Guatavita.

他们兄弟几个为争狼主之位斗得你死我活。The many brothers had a life-and-death fight in contending for the place of chieftain.

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强盗头子让潘杜和随行的人自由下山,回到憍赏弥去。The robber chieftain let Pandu and his men go free down the mountain back to Kaushambi.

但是围绕这位恐怖主义首领一生的谜团却并未解开。But the mystique that surrounded the terrorist chieftain in life is persisting in death.

问一个印度人什是神,他会向你描述一位显赫部落的神武酋长。Ask the Indian of God, and he will describe to you a powerful chieftain of a glorious tribe.