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枫树披着华美的头巾。The maple wears a gayer scarf.

其实,也许,我应该说'嘎耶'。Actually, maybe, I should say ' gayer '.

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他习惯于比曼斯菲尔德热闹得多的地方。He is used to much gayer places than Mansfield.

我相信这世界上没有谁比我们更快乐、更幸福。Never, I am sure, were people gayer or happier.

今年的万圣节就在这欢乐的气氛中结束了。And this year's Halloween finished in the gayer atmosphere.

这是一场华丽的冒险,尽管爬满了虱子,但它依然是华美的袍。It's a gorgeous adventure. though covered with louses , life is still a gayer gown.

“它们都是你的手指,”她娇滴滴地说,努力装出比以前更加快活的神情。They are all yours, ' said she, very prettily, and endeavoured to be gayer than she was.

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一个月就这样过去了,在这一个月里玛格丽特比过去任何时候都要快乐,也更加爱我了。And so a month went by during which Marguerite was gayer and more loving than she had ever been.

换了一支曲子。“拉一首开心点的。”小彼得端坐在那儿,凝望着山沟上空。爸爸就要娶那个女人了。The tune changed. "Here's something gayer . " Petey sat and stared out over the gully. Dad would marry that girl.

今天下午出来的人很多,比上星期日多多了,而且乐队演奏得也好像更加响亮、欢快。There were a number of people out this afternoon. far more than last Sunday. And the band sounded louder and gayer.

在他的非常第一在中指出开头的有一更锋利对的冲击和跟随的红润的展示工作是更亮和更喜欢,与此同时第一长旋律在它的自由速度中是更自由,更表现。At the opening his very first note has a sharper impact, and the florid display work which follows is lighter and gayer , while the first long melody is freer, more expressive in its rubato.