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亦或是一种冒犯?Or was it offensive?

进攻是最好的防御。Offensive is the best defence.

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攻势已经衰弱。The offensive has slacked off.

一场攻势正在准备中。An offensive was being teed up.

现在被看做无礼的行为。Now it is considered offensive.

抽陀螺,还很有进攻性。Spinning top, also very offensive.

坦克在那次进攻中打头阵。The tanks spearheaded the offensive.

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带球撞人是进攻犯规。A charging call is on offensive foul.

敌人重新发起进攻。The enemy launched a fresh offensive.

德军在库尔斯克的进攻失败了。The German offensive near Kursk fails.

汤姆一见到她就对她展开了攻势。Tom met her on her launched offensive.

进攻篮板救了火箭的命。Offensive rebounds saved the Rox today.

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中国现在不会挑起一场进攻战。Chinawill not wage an offensive war now.

这个图片很讨厌。I frnd this picture extremely offensive.

帕特·莱斯注重防守,而博洛却强调进攻。Pat Rice is defensive, Boro is offensive.

无礼的语言在Meme是不受欢迎的。Offensive language is not welcome in Meme.

但巴西才是奥巴马魅力战术的主攻之地。But his real charm offensive was in Brazil.

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让我们再来看看这个阵型的杀伤力Let me talk about the offensive aspect of it.

客场队攻势凌厉。The away team maintained a powerful offensive.

这是一个攻守同盟。This is an alliance for offensive and defence.