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可能引燃通货膨胀。They might spur inflation.

通货膨胀与公信度之战Inflation fighting credibility

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不,这将增加通胀风险。Nein, that would risk inflation.

这个国家的通货膨胀率很高。Das Land hat eine home Inflation.

在通货紧缩时亦是如此。See also Inflation and Deflation.

要根据通货膨胀进行调整.You have to adjust for inflation.

担心通货膨胀的人还有什么忧虑呢?What’s an inflation worrier to do?

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经济倾向于通货膨胀。The economy verges toward inflation.

经济有通货膨胀的趋势。The economy verges toward inflation.

我计算错了一位数。Inflation was single-digit last year.

不必对通货膨胀问题忧心忡忡。It's no need to brood over inflation.

物价上涨会引起通货膨胀。Rising prices will kick up inflation.

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通货膨胀抢光了我的积蓄。Inflation has robbed me of my savings.

我们钱都被通货膨胀吞蚀了。Our money was eaten away by inflation.

通货膨胀使我们的货币贬值了。Inflation erodes the value of our money.

必须把通货膨胀率控制在低水平。The rate of inflation must be held down.

通货膨胀使物价节节上涨。Monetary inflation spirals inexorably on.

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通货膨胀使生产成本迅速上升。The inflation has kited production costs.

通货膨胀蚕食了他们的积蓄。Inflation has whittled away their savings.

绑牢气胀索并报告。Secure inflation cord on board and report.