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接下来的必需品是食物。Food was the next essential.

这些改革是必要的。These reforms are essential.

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这是精要的重点。This is the essential point.

常用字为什么重要?Why Sight Words are essential?

常见字为何重要?Why sight words are essential?

所以,预先计划非常重要。So planning ahead is essential.

业务连续性是非常重要的,您不能心存侥幸。Business continuity is essential.

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这是个基本特征。This characteristic is essential.

本质复杂度与偶发复杂度的比较Essential vs. accidental complexity

糊精具有重要的应用价值。Dextrin has essential applied value.

我在前领路非常必要。It is essential that I lead the way.

必须有开业前筹备的经验。Pre-opening experience is essential.

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这是一个难以捉摸的本质问题。It's a subtle but essential question.

摩尼恢复了他的教导的本质。Mani restored his essential teachings.

出现新问题速归。New problem essential you return soon.

在两周情况下,现政权的存在都是必不可少的。The state is essential in either case.

从植物中提取香精油。To extract essential oils from plants.

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什么区位因素是必不可少的?What locational factors are essential?

侧重点的改变至关重要。A change in emphasis will be essential.

这是必不可少的嚣张气焰。This is the essential of the arrogance.