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再见“,Haze说。Goodbye," Haze said.

清晨那如烟的雾。The smoky morning haze.

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穿过无声无息的雾气。Through the pulseless haze.

深入呼吸着没有雾霾的空起。Deep breathing the air of no haze.

他常常是在威士忌的懵懂醉意中度过的。He often lives in a haze of whisky.

你认为尘雾是由热度所造成的吗?Do you think haze is caused by heat?

在闷热蒸腾的夏天正午In the sweltering haze of summer-noon

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有多少灰霾的日子?How many haze days have we gone through?

淡蓝色的烟霾中,天空蔚蓝一片。The sky's all blue in a light blue haze.

苦丁茶先苦后甘禽流感的阴霾何时散去?。When does the Haze of Bird Flu Drop Away?

我在一种暖洋洋的昏昏欲睡的状态中躺了很久。For a long time I lay in warm sleepy haze.

在液体中出现蜡点或混浊。A waxy cloud or haze appears in the liquid.

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我不知道雾霾什么时候会散去。I have no idea when the haze will disperse.

我国独立似乎消失在烟霞。My independence seems to vanish in the haze.

云带阴霾去,月携圆满来。Haze to cloud band, successfully to carry on.

是张黑白照,边缘柔和朦胧。It’s black-and-white, all soft edges and haze.

草色烟光残照里。Color of grass and haze of smoke in the sunset.

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Haze直直地向前看,面无表情,“Haze looked straight ahead, with his face set."

不过,雾和霾还有本质上的区别。However, fog and haze and difference in nature.

表面粗糙、低表面光泽度、较高雾度。Rough surface, low surface gloss and high haze.