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你感到一阵恶心。You're disgusted.

你真令我恶心!I'm disgusted with you!

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他的下流话使我们厌恶。His vulgar remarks disgusted us.

他的行为使每个人都嫌恶。His behaviour disgusted everybody.

不幸的婚姻使我们兴味索然。The unhappy marriage disgusted us.

她随地吐痰,使人人感到厌恶。She disgusted everyone by spitting.

我讨厌他的粗鄙了。I disgusted with him at his vulgarity.

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我讨厌她那套令人作呕的奉承。I was disgusted by her fulsome flattery.

厌恶共和国的巴尔克同意了。Bulq, disgusted with the Republic, agreed.

他的女友讨厌他的懦弱。His girlfriend is disgusted at his cowardice.

是否经得住这一次的打击。Disgusted with the way you are hurting yourself.

她厌恶地看了我一眼,然后走掉了。She gave me a disgusted look and walked off. FML

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生鱼让我感到恶心,所以我离开了餐桌。The raw fish disgusted me , so I left the table.

她是否为他对安娜如此之快的背叛感到反感?Is she disgusted that he would so soon betray Anna?

我不知道是否感到受宠若惊或厌恶。I didn't know whether to feel flattered or disgusted.

我们近来的冒险使我对戎马生涯感到厌倦。Our recent adventures have disgusted me with military life.

你越讲空洞的大道理,人家越感到讨厌。The hollower you big talk is, the more disgusted they feel.

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他对雪莉派另一个女人到他的床上感到恶心。He is disgusted that she would send another woman to his bed.

所有参加宴会的人都厌恶他那淫秽的笑话。All the people in the party were disgusted with his bawdy jokes.

所有参加宴会的人都有厌恶他那淫秽的笑话。All the people in the party were disgusted with his bawdy jokes.