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细胞膜向上突起延续构成纤毛的表面。The unit membrane of the cell continues up over each cilium.

视锥和视杆均含有连接纤毛和辅助外段。Connecting cilium and accessory outer segment are present in both rods and cones.

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具纤毛的乳突在虫体的其余部分也有发现,可能起感觉器的作用。The nipples having cilium are discovered in the rest, which may have sense function.

目的了解新出生期视网膜感光细胞纤毛结构特点。Objective To study the structural characteristic of cilium of photoreceptor cells from neonatal retina.

纤毛内部可见周围微管,近纤毛顶部可见部分中央微管。Circumference microtubules could be found in cilium , but only the central microtubule near the distal end of cilia.

萼片和花瓣4或5,花后宿存,萼片离生,全缘到具流苏状腺体,花瓣全缘或具顶端具腺纤毛。Sepals and petals 4 or 5, persistent after anthesis, sepals free, entire to gland fringed, petals entire or with apical glandular cilium.

另外兰花、桂花、腊梅等植物的纤毛能截留并吸滞空气中的飘浮微粒及烟尘。Additionally the floral cilium such as orchid, sweet-scented osmanthus, wintersweet can be held back and suck the float particle in sluggish air and soot.

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CEP290和LCA5基因编码的蛋白在光感受器功能、视觉成像时转运视觉蛋白上起了重要的作用。Both the CEP290 and LCA5 genes encode proteins with vital functions in the cilium of the photoreceptors, transporting visual proteins to the compartment where vision occurs.

结果气管内痰液可查到纤毛柱状上皮细胞或圆柱形柱状细胞,但咽部痰液查不到上述细胞。Result The cilium columnar epithelia or cylindric cell have be found in sputum of the tracheal, no cell mentioned above was checked in sputum collected from pharyngeal portion.

肌动蛋白及肌球蛋白乃是构成肌肉伸缩机构的组成部分,微管蛋白是赋予鞭毛及纤毛能动的基本物质。Actin and myoglobulin are the compositions building muscles' stretching function. Microtubulin is the basic substance which provides the flagellum and cilium the function of movement.

同时,干燥天气使得呼吸道黏膜上的纤毛运动减缓,灰尘、细菌等容易附着于黏膜,刺激喉部引发咳嗽。In the meantime, dry weather makes the cilium motion slow down on respiratory tract mucous membrane, dirt, bacterium adhere to easily at mucous membrane, exciting laryngeal causes cough.

纤毛轴动力蛋白基因DNAI在吸烟者支气管组织中的表达明显降低,可能是吸烟造成纤毛运动功能下降的原因之一。The expression of axonemal dynein gene DNAI in bronchial tissues of smoker significantly decreased, which may be one of the reasons for the decrease of cilium movement caused by smoking.