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我说不清,我觉得她是个聪明的女商人,I don't know, I think she's a smart businesswoman

她很快就适应她职业妇女的角色了。She soon settled into her new role as Businesswoman.

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它的创造者是罗斯汉德勒,一个美国女商人。Its creator was Ruth Handler, an American businesswoman.

她下定决心做一个思想解放的女实业家。She was determined that she would become a liberated businesswoman.

总统为本年度最成功的女实业家颁发了奖品。The president made a presentation to the businesswoman of the year.

在塔玛拉的网站上,她把自己归类为女继承人和女商人。On her web site, she lists her self as an 'heiress and businesswoman.'

我相信那位女商人会把借我的钱还回来的。I rely on the businesswoman to pay back the money she borrowed from me.

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2005年,坦妮娅品托曾是德州达拉斯的一名成功年轻女商人。In 2005, Tanya Pinto was a successful young businesswoman in Dallas, Texas.

在西丰,我主要是调查那个女商人的短信诽谤案。In Xifeng, I was mainly investigating the SMS libel case of the businesswoman.

除了从事人道工作以外,麦凯恩夫人也是一位聪慧的女商人。In addition to her humanitarian work, Mrs. McCain is also a savvy businesswoman.

陆克文的夫人泰丽丝?雷恩是著名的女商人和残障人士权利活动家。He is married to Therese Rein, a noted businesswoman and disabled rights activist.

我收藏这封情书已有七年的时间了,我是个商人,她应该知道这些情书还会被出售。I've had them seven years and I'm a businesswoman and she knew they were for resale.

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陈振聪一直坚持声称,华懋女商人将她的财产赠与他。Tony Chan has always insisted that the Chinachem businesswoman left him her fortune.

她们想证明自己是娇妻、良母、职业女性及情人的完美结合体。They want to prove that they can be the perfect wife, mother, businesswoman and lover.

据报道,房子买主是乌克兰女商人和慈善家叶连娜·弗兰丘克。It was reported the buyer was Elena Franchuk, a Ukrainian businesswoman and philanthropist.

今天,我们向你介绍一位电影女演员,她叫梅.韦斯特,她同时还是一位作家、制片人和商人。Today we tell about film actress Mae West. She was also a writer, producer and businesswoman.

成功的单身女商人凯特·霍尔布鲁克一直把她的事业摆在个人生活之前。Successful and single businesswoman Kate Holbrook has long put her career ahead of a personal life.

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她说批评芭比的人应该告诉女孩们关于创造芭比娃娃的女商人的故事。She says people who criticize Barbie should tell girls the story of the businesswoman who created her.

当她的丈夫先前失业的时候,她从一个全职太太转变成一个职场女性。She switched from being a full-time homemaker to a full-time businesswoman when her husband was laid off previously.

今天,当我开着车去面试的时候看到一个职业女性在路边,站在她的宝马旁。Today, I was driving to a job interview when I saw a businesswoman standing next to her BMW on the side of the road.