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带著斑点的丝巾!The speckled band!

鹌鹑在矮树丛里沙沙作响。Speckled quails rustled in the underbrush.

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他脸上也溅满了血点看起来就像雀斑一样。Blood spatters speckled his cheeks like freckles.

绿色的草原上点缀着几间村舍。The village houses are speckled on the grassland.

为什么即使是小面包也没有霉点呢?Why hasn't even the bun become speckled with mould?

棕色的本挠了挠他斑灰白斑驳的胡须。Brown Ben scratched at his speckled grey-and-white whiskers.

阳光洒满了课桌,我却在叙写我的悲伤。The sun speckled the desk, I was in Narrations of my sadness.

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在洞里,我们能看见一窝漂亮的带斑点的蛋。In the hollow we could see a clutch of beautiful speckled eggs.

我司长期出口级别大黑花芸豆。Quality Large Black Speckled Kidney Beans for export is offered all year round.

把有不同特点的鸡蛋混合搭配在一起,涂上颜色,创造出明亮的斑点组合。Mix and match contrasting egg and paint colors to create a bright, speckled collection.

斑点状黑色圆形区域说明存在肺门淋巴结转移。The speckled black rounded areas represent hilar lymph nodes with metastatic carcinoma.

白色的小斑点或粉状前瞻性补丁出现在钉板表面。Small white speckled or powdery-looking patches appear on the surface of the nail plate.

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第一封信来之前的晚上,埃德加·卡夫特在萨拉托加赛马场选了“斑点带子”。The night before the first letter came, he had Speckled Band in the feature at Saratoga.

日子一天天过去了,杂色羊几乎灭绝了,连普通羊也不见了。As the days went on, the speckled sheep were nearly gone, the plain ones were going, too.

低山丘陵脸色苍白烤土,下沉严重,人口稀少和斑点和黑点的雪松灌木丛。Low hills of baked pale earth sinking heavily and speckled sparsely with dark dots of cedar bushes.

低山的烤地球苍白,下沉严重,斑点暗点的雪松稀疏的灌木。Low hills of baked pale earth, sinking heavily, and speckled sparsely with dark dots of cedar bushes.

断骨上粘着褐色的血斑但是他依旧蹒跚向前,直指小格里夫。The broken bone was speckled with brown blood, but still he lurched forward, reaching for Young Griff.

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我在门口的台阶上站了半晌,尽管头上有屋檐遮挡,雨水还是渐渐打湿了地面。I stood for a while on the steps, but, despite the overhanging roof, they were gradually growing speckled.

密西西比河三角洲上空如斑点般散布着烟云,褐绿色的沉积物勾勒着三角洲广阔的边界。The Mississippi River Delta is speckled with clouds and outlined by a wide border of greenish-tan sediment.

虽然看起来有点像斑斑点点的干黄狗屎,但是肉和辣味的组合是能让人上瘾的。Whilst Biltong may look like a speckled dry brown dog turd, the combination of meat and spices is addictive.