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这是戒毒前期,里德在疗养所试图戒毒时死去。Reid died trying to kick his habit in a sanitarium.

在1948年,她死于费城马歇尔广场疗养院,享年84岁。In 1948 she died at 84 in Philadelphia's Marshall Square Sanitarium.

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另外,他又指养和医院治疗时疏忽失当。Besides he mentioned that the treatment by HK Sanitarium was negligent and improper.

该中心于1922年创建,是一所肺结核疗养院和肺部研究中心。The Center was established in 1922 as a tuberculosis sanitarium and pulmonary center.

您是否曾是精神病院或疗养院的患者或被作为精神病患者对待?。Have you ever been a patient in a mental hospital or sanitarium or treated by a psychiatrist?

一波肺结核离开他,他是无行为能力的托运到疗养院六个月。A bout of tuberculosis left him incapacitated and he was consigned to a sanitarium for six months.

再看看这名男子的收信地址,可以知道他当时正住在疗养院,结核病即将夺去他的生命。But a closer examination of the man's address shows that he is in a sanitarium. He is dying of tuberculosis.

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目的调查无锡疗养区景观疗养因子特点及作用。Objective To investigate the characteristics and effects of landscape convalescent factors in Wuxi sanitarium.

实行优化整合是军队疗养院联勤的基本要求。To implement Optimization and Integration Policy is one of the basic requirements in Joint Logistics of Army Sanitarium.

节日变得商业化,它最大的拥护者放弃所有为它而战,死得一文不值,在疗养院里腐烂。When the holiday went commercial, its greatest champion gave everything to fight it, dying penniless and broken in a sanitarium.

播放乐生保留运动纪录片,召唤同学关心、支援随时可能遭拆迁的乐生院。Documentary film on Losheng Sanitarium preservation efforts is shown, to gain support for groups protesting its imminent demolition.

沃尔夫的父亲也容易破坏性几次欺骗,并最终致力于建立一个疗养院后,严重的精神崩溃。Wolff's father was also prone to destructive bouts of deception, and was eventually committed to a sanitarium after a severe mental breakdown.

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几周前当我在你的办公室时,我发现你是一个我很喜欢的游戏的首席设计师和首席艺术家。那个游戏叫做疯人院。I was at your office a few weeks ago and found out you were Lead Designer and Lead Art on a game which was near and dear to me which was called Sanitarium.

目的为疗养院聘用文职护士培训提供教材,有针对性地指导临床护理工作。Objective To provide textbooks for nurse training in sanitarium and direct nurses work, Methods A nurse handbook was compiled and ap- plied in clinical practice.

“这个女人,逝得一文不名,在疗养院里已是痴呆,如果她想的话她可以从母亲节中获益,”Antolini说。"This woman, who died penniless, in a sanitarium in a state of dementia, was a woman who could have profited from Mother's Day if she wanted to, " Antolini said.

你妈妈和你的两个舅舅还很小的时候,外婆病得很严重。为了治好外婆的病,她必须去一个叫疗养院的地方过一段很长的时间。When your mom and her brothers were little children, grandma got very sick and in order to get well, she had to go to a place called a sanitarium for a long time.

养和医院邝国熙医生反对禁令,认为禁令限制医生向公众发放资讯。The case was brought by Dr Kwong Kwok-hay of Hong Kong Sanitarium , who argued against the ban that prevented the effective dissemination of information to the public.

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一天下午,经常来看他的大夫带了一个陌生的大夫同来,把他送到厄瓜多尔街的一家疗养院,因为要替他拍X光片子。One afternoon, the usual doctor appeared, accompanied by a new doctor, and they carried him off to a sanitarium on the Calle Ecuador, for it was necessary to X-ray him.

本文并以新庄乐生疗养院事件为探讨案例,进一步分析新版文资法对于台湾文化资产保存机制的缺失。The study analysis the weakness of the Taiwanese urban cultural heritage preservation system by the researching the movement to preserve of Xinzhuang Lo-Shan Sanitarium.