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最后叙述了多个在城市小区中采用CGS技术的DHC工程状况。Finally, describes many DHC projects using CGS technology in city districts.

卵质膜反应是卵质与皮质颗粒包膜的重组过程。Egg membrane reactor is egg quality and coated the CGs reorganization process.

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CGS公司从2003年开始向个人投资者销售以投资为导向的金条。CGS started selling investment-oriented gold bars to individual investors in 2003.

近来,该公司所销售的CGS标准的金条每日都多达数十公斤。The company has been selling tens of kilograms of CGS Standard Gold Bars per day recently.

在物理学研究中除了国际单位制外,其它如厘米•克•秒和米•千克•秒单位制也使用。Aside from the SI system, other systems such as CGS and MKS are in use in the study of physics.

CGS金条目前主要通过中国14个大城市的中国商业银行销售。The CGS gold bars are currently sold through major outlets of China Merchants Bank in 14 big cities.

我们的目标是走在电子竞技的前沿,深信CGS是一个真正的竞技联赛。Our goal was to be ahead of the curve in thee-sports space, and conceived of CGS as a true sports league.

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我个人满满意这张。与我其他的CG比起来这张我只用少时间完成的。I really like the feeling of this one. And compares with my other CGs , I only spent a few time to draw it.

但是也有些例外,在原来的厘米克秒制中,还有我们说的这个。But occasionally there is this one little remnant of the old CGS system, centimeters-gram-second, and this is one.

但是也有些例外,在原来的厘米克秒制中,还有我们说的这个。But occasionally there is this one little remnant of the old CGS system, centimeters-gram-second, and this is one.

研究生院理事会最近的一份调查表明,近10年来美国研究生院内每一少数族群的人数都有大幅增长。A recent CGS survey shows strong growth in the enrollment of every minority group in U.S. graduate schools over the past decade.

美国研究生院理事会对外国研究生入学趋势进行多年跟踪分析,上述数据来自其中2005年三阶段调查报告的最后一部分。The CGS data were the final segment of a three-part 2005 survey, part of a multiyear examination of international graduate admission trends.

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皮层反应发生在精卵细胞融合之际,自融合点开始,皮质颗粒破裂,其内含物外排,由此波及整个卵子的皮层。Cortex in response to fine fusion of the egg, since the integration started, CGs rupture, the contents of Pai, which affected the whole egg cortex.

在信关服务器的设计中,底层通讯采用通讯控件与主体程序相分离的设计思路,来完成不同协议的连接与数据发送。In the CGS design, the communication control is separated from the main program to implement accessing between different protocols and data sending.

加强的CGS系统将提供更好的服务来改善接收,处理和在移动的战术环境中共享情报资料的方式。The enhanced CGS systems will provide the service with improved ways to receive, process and share intelligence data in a mobile, tactical environment.

CGS金条的定价主要根据伦敦贵金属交易所的每日价格,同时参考上海黄金交易所的牌价。Pricing of the CGS bars is based on daily gold prices on the London Precious Metal Exchange, with quotations on the Shanghai Gold Exchange serving as a reference.

出版并发行地质学相关研究地图及技术报告,此外,还出版发行非技术性出版物,如科罗拉多州恐龙。The CGS publishes and distributes its geology-related research in the form of maps and technical reports, as well as non-technical publications such as Colorado's Dinosaurs.

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该网站提供中国地质调查局的详细信息,包括组织机构、科研活动、新闻动态等。The site describes the main duties and roles of the CGS within mineral exploration, assessment of mineralogical resources, geological investigation and dissemination of research in China.