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满意的沃尔沃修车师傅呢?What about a good Volvo mechanic?

李书福认为收购对沃尔沃也有好处。But Mr Li believes that Volvo too will benefit.

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沃尔沃对金属漆要另外收费——呸!Volvo also charges extra for metallic paint – bah.

但消费者愿意购买中国制造的沃尔沃吗?But do consumers want to buy a made-in-China Volvo?

我们能不能把卡罗尔卖了,换一个沃尔沃的磁带卡座?Can't we sell Carol and get a tape deck for the Volvo?

沃尔沃在中国市场还有不少坎坷的路要走。The Volvo brand has a tough task ahead of it in China.

李书福表示,沃尔沃的最大问题是它的规模太小。The biggest problem with Volvo is its small scale, Mr. Li said.

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今年,中国吉利汽车公司从福特公司收购了沃尔沃。This year, the Chinese car company Geely bought Volvo from Ford.

沃尔沃XC60的是这些豪华交叉最便宜的。The Volvo XC60 is the least expensive of these luxury crossovers.

我们对沃尔沃在吉利的前途充满信心。We are confident Volvo hasa solid future under Geely's ownership.

对于有关吉利计划收购沃尔沃或萨博的报道,李书福不愿多谈。Mr Li played down reports that his company plans to buy Volvo or Saab.

IP地址为192.138.116.230,来自VolvoIT部。The IP Address,, maps back to the Volvo IT Department.

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该公司料将在第三季完成瑞典沃尔沃轿车事业的出售案.It expects to complete the sale of Sweden's Volvo in the third quarter.

吉雅莎看到阿努大晚上和普利亚打电话,很高兴女儿能攀上富豪。JiYaSha see any and big night call, priya glad daughter could climb to Volvo.

它会步小松和沃尔沃的后尘在美国生产装备吗?Might it make equipment in the U.S., following the paths of Komatsu and Volvo?

自2008年起,沃尔沃集团连续几年成为博鳌亚洲论坛钻石赞助商。The Volvo Group has been a Diamond Sponsor of the Boao Forum for Asia since 2008.

每年我们都要在全集团范围内开展一项名为“沃尔沃集团态度调查”的调研工作。Every year, we conduct a Group-wide survey called the Volvo Group Attitude Survey.

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然而,刷新沃尔沃S80不应该仅仅看到,它必须是有经验的。However, the refreshed Volvo S80 should not just be seen, it has to be experienced.

听起来真的很好,如果这是真的!沃尔沃b7r是其中一个最好的城市公交车今天!Sounds really good, if this is true! Volvo B7R is one of the best urban bus nowadays!

沃尔沃正试图在全球范围内降低汇率风险,特别是欧元兑美元的风险。Volvo is trying to reduce currency-exchange risk around the world, especially the euro-U.