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这支队错要一个更加可靠的接球手。The team needs a more reliable backstop.

政府准入权可以分几种形式。The government backstop might take a few forms.

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家板相机拍摄,通过逆止。The home-plate camera filmed through the backstop.

我的初吻是在一个棒球场的挡网后。My first kiss was behind the backstop of a baseball field.

上周他又推出了一个支持消费者债务的计划。And last week he unveiled a plan to backstop consumer debt.

恐慌只有在政府介入担保整个行业时才能平息。Panic only subsided when the government stepped in to backstop the industry.

政府同意支持那些对石油勘查投资的公司。The government agreed to backstop companies that invested in oil exploration.

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第四,尽管有政策的支持,金融系统还是损失惨重。Fourth, the financial system – despite the policy backstop – is severely damaged.

但是他们最后的屏障是被他称为“高盛命根子”的流动性。But the main backstop , what he calls "the lifeblood of Goldman Sachs", is liquidity.

但是这个法庭是这个世界检举种族灭绝、战争犯罪和其他弥天大罪的守门员。But the court is the world's backstop for prosecuting genocide, war crimes and other enormities.

即使除去雷曼最坏资产,但是在没有政府的支援下上述两家银行都不愿意收购雷曼。Both were unwilling to buy the firm, even shorn of the worst bits, without some sort of government backstop.

德国则希望市场能够提供帮助,而仅仅只是把EFSF作为一旦出现银行挤兑时的后备力量。Germany wants the market to help fund the bailout with the EFSF acting as a backstop to any further bank runs.

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这点政府救助的一些拥护者也同样表示赞同,他们相信这些主张能证明政府救助的必要性。Some supporters of government backing also like the idea, believing that it will demonstrate the need for a backstop.

“这个数字可能巨大,但该地区有经济实力来支援银行和这些国家,”Mackie说。"This is a big number, but the region has the fiscal capacity to backstop both banks and these countries, " says Mackie.

不过他补充称,期限较长的30年期公债可以有效防御对全球经济成长忧虑重燃的风险.He added, however, that longer-term 30-year paper was a good backstop against any renewal of concern about global growth.

如果美国政府对银行贷款提供支持,实际上就意味着让美国举全国之力来支持其金融体系。Having the government back bank lending would effectively entail the U.S. being the backstop for the country's financial system.

广泛应用在印刷、包装、纺织等设备上,实现超越、定位分度、逆止功能。This series extensive used in mechanism of packing, printing, weaving and so on, to realize over running, indexing and backstop.

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多家银行将为这家158年历史的投资银行的逐步停业提供资金缓冲。A consortium of banks will provide a financial backstop to help provide an orderly winding down of the 158-year-old investment bank.

将来,银行可能需要拥有更多的资本和现金,但是,最终仍要依靠国家作为其资金的后盾。Banks in the future will probably have loads more capital and cash, but will still ultimately rely on the state to backstop their funding.

7月,美联储和财政部同意在必要时支持"双美",布什于7月31日批准这一计划,这是新的楼市法案的一部分.In July, the Fed and Treasury agreed to backstop the two companies if needed, and Bush approved the measures as part of a new housing act on July 31.