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法令违宪了吗?Is the statute unconstitutional?

他的确裁决强制令违宪。He did indeed find the mandate unconstitutional.

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一是收费规范立法主体的权限不合宪。Firstly, the norm-enacting authority is unconstitutional.

橘子郡的这项法令,很有可能也是违宪的。The Orange County ordinance, too, may well be unconstitutional.

这是公然违反宪法的,应该马上停止。This is clearly, blatantly unconstitutional — and it has to stop.

几个下级法院的裁决多马本身是违反宪法的。Several lower courts have ruled DOMA itself to be unconstitutional.

次年,最高法院裁决这一税收违反宪法。The following year, the Supreme Court ruled that tax unconstitutional.

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美国高等法院说,今年32岁,华盛顿特区枪禁令是违宪的。The U. S. high court says 32-year-old Washington, DC gun ban is unconstitutional.

他说亚达夫召回卡塔瓦的决定“不合宪法而且非民主”。He said Yadav's decision to back Katawal was "unconstitutional and undemocratic ".

美国最高法院裁判华盛顿州的公开初选有违宪法。The U. S. Supreme Court ruled Washington's blanket primary to be unconstitutional.

他们就规定死刑的法规是否违宪进行争论。They argued about whether the statute mandating the death penalty is unconstitutional.

最高法院裁定同性恋行为定罪的法律是违宪的。The Supreme Court has ruled that laws criminalizing homosexual conduct are unconstitutional.

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肯塔基州的一位地方司法官称他不会实施任何新的违反宪法的枪支法律。Kentucky sheriff has said he will not enforce any new gun laws that he deems unconstitutional.

在一场长达9年的运动中,参与者已经称反对同性性行为是违宪的。In a nine-year legal campaign, activists had argued that the ban on gay sex was unconstitutional.

具体说来就是,最高法院会找特定法律的茬,宣布它们是违宪的。To be specific, the Supreme Court finds fault with certains laws and declare them unconstitutional.

拔除令的撑持者说,此事针对的是违反宪法的法令,而非堕胎权或怙恃知情权。Repeal supporters said the issue was about an unconstitutional law, not abortion or parental rights.

具体说来就是,最高法院会找特定法律的茬,宣布它们是违宪的。To be specific, the Supreme Court finds fault with certains laws and declare them "unconstitutional".

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马政府迳行注销前总统核定的国家机密,此举是否违宪?Is it unconstitutional for President Ma to declassify what his predecessor declared as state secrets ?

在1923年,法院也判决哥伦比亚区最低工资法违反了宪法。In 1923, the court also ruled that a minimum-wage law in the District of Columbia was unconstitutional.

反对者警告称,此举是违反宪法规定的,会对法国的穆斯林少数民族造成侮辱。Opponents have warned that such move could be unconstitutional and stigmatize France's Muslim minority.