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她递给他一个微波卷饼。She hands him a microwaved burrito.

他在厨房,热墨西哥卷饼当早餐。Yeah, he's nuking his breakfast burrito in the kitchen.

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用Ranchera酱及奶酪丝覆盖整个玉米饼。Cover the entire burrito with Ranchera sauce and cheese.

然后紧紧地把它们卷起来,就像卷煎饼一样。Then roll them up tightly like you’re rolling a burrito.

你能吃你的早餐面卷饼,但是也吃一个苹果。You can have your breakfast burrito , but eat an apple too.

路边有个卷饼摊,每天早上来卷饼的人很多。There roadside burrito stands, burrito every morning to many people.

每天清晨三点和孩子一起醒,醒了就开始吃玉米煎饼。Then I'd wake up at three a.m. with the baby and eat a burrito grande.

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你是有份布里托在你的裤兜里还是你只能靠药来让你及格了?Is That A Burrito In Your Pocket or Are You Just Eligible for Medicare?

曾经我就是那样,经常光顾离研究所不远对学生又有优惠的玉米煎饼街。For me, it was a burrito place down the street that gave a discount for students.

你看她,包得严严实实的,像是美景镇最可口的小肉卷。I mean, look at her, all wrapped up, like the tastiest little burrito in fairview.

学会如何应对在这个自由的墨西哥美食视频剪辑与专家烹饪技巧牛肉卷饼。Learn how to roll a beef burrito with expert cooking tips in this free Mexican cuisine video clip.

在全麦玉米煎饼上洒两盎司低脂碎切达干酪,烤三分钟。Sprinkle a whole wheat burrito with 2 ounces grated, low-fat cheddar cheese and broil for 3 minutes.

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两年后,他们的加州面卷跑饼公司生意红火,在中午最忙的时候,甚至要排半个小时的队。Two years later, their California Burrito Company often commands half-hour lines during the lunch rush.

对于第二天晚餐,我给我自己做了个简单的玉米煎饼。不过,我孩子吃的晚餐却非常不同。For the next dinner, I made a simple burrito for myself. My children, however, got something very different.

了解如何在这个自由的墨西哥美食视频剪辑与专家的牛肉卷饼油烹饪技巧。Learn how to make the filling of a beef burrito with expert cooking tips in this free Mexican cuisine video clip.

学习如何下厨烹饪技巧与专家在这个自由牛肉卷饼墨西哥美食视频剪辑的碎牛肉。Learn how to cook the ground beef for a beef burrito with expert cooking tips in this free Mexican cuisine video clip.

一项新研究表明营养成分标签并不会扼杀人们想吃玉米煎饼的念头。And a new study shows that a little thing like a nutrition label is not gonna stop us when we want a breakfast burrito.

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就在那刹那间,我希望我呆在洗车里,一头扎在夹着蛋白质、碳水化合物的卷饼和冷水里面。Almost immediately we hopped in our cars and headed to a local burrito joint to load up on protein, carbs, and cold water.

我拍照,随后画了两个陌生人和朋友的种类繁多,从制造商的DJ到卷饼咖啡师。I've photographed and subsequently painted a wide variety of both strangers and friends, from DJs to baristas to burrito makers.

而测试结果表明,吃了传统火鸡大餐的人跟吃意式宽面或墨西哥面饼卷的人相比,他们扑向打折商品疯狂购物的欲望更小。And they found that people who’d eaten the traditional turkey were less willing to jump on a bargain than those who’d had lasagna or a burrito.