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我认为他是因为过多的劳累而得了癌症。I think his cancer is resulted from the overfull tire.

同时,有氧运动还能消耗多余热量,有益于保持良好体型。Meanwhile, it helps keep our body in a good shape by consuming the overfull calories.

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有了这个紧急维护空间,就可以利用它对一块已满的磁盘进行恢复。That emergency maintenance space is there so it can be used to recover from an overfull disk.

过多的家庭作业占据了学生的全部业余时间,使他们无法享受学校生活。Overfull homeworks take up student's all off-hours and make them not to enjoy the school's life.

如果站点管理器仅仅是列出所有属性,对用户而言,将很难阅读这长长的列表。While it would be possible to just list all attributes, it is hard on the user to read such an overfull list.

随着数量的增加,过多的桃品种给种质资源的保存、育种材料的选择等带来不便。A consequence of the overfull cultivars caused a lot of problem in resources preserving, breeding and production.

他毫不迟疑地承担了这项任务,而且表示决心,一定要提前超额完成。He more than hesitated to undertake this task and expressed his firm resolution to overfull fill it ahead of time.

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由于该方法保留的密钥过多,因此,为了减少密钥的信息量,本文随后给出了改进方法。Because of the overfull secret, to reduce its information, an improved edition of method is discussed later in this paper.

实验结果表明,这种时空结合方法可以较好地避免以往的比重法过分依赖于空间域分割精度的问题。Experimental results show that the novel algorithm can avoid the overfull dependence on the accuracy of the spatial segmentation as the usual Ratio Method does.

草坪根部生长差、土壤板结、透水保水性差、土壤受农药化肥污染时使用,可配合草坪杀菌剂、杀虫剂、除草剂施用。Turf roots in a bad growth condition. There are overfull non-polar sites on hydrophobic soil particles. Soil was polluted from overusing of pesticides and fertilizers.

利用GIS技术作为支持平台,把GIS技术应用于地下水采补平衡分析和超采区的演变上,更充分地发挥了GIS技术强大的空间分析功能。Using GIS technology as supported platform, the paper analyzed the balance of groundwater between exploitation and replenishment and development of overfull areas with GIS.

补偿基础的应用逐渐广泛,但是在具体的应用过程中补偿基础常常会出现较大沉降的现象,甚至全补偿、超补偿基础也不例外。Compensated foundation is applied more and more widely, but its settlement usually happens in practical application, even for full compensated foundation and overfull compensated foundation.

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目前来看,TD-SCDMA产业链依然不够强大,系统厂商整体实力相对较强,芯片、终端环节仍然比较脆弱。Currently speaking, the TD-SCDMA industrial chain is still not strong enough with relative powerful overfull strength of the system manufacturers and relative weakness in chips and terminal links.