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布什家有巴尼。The Bushes had Barney.

哦,显然是巴尼,弗兰克。Oh , Barney Frank easily.

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巴尼碰破大鼻子。Barney Bodkin broke his nose.

你从哪里得到这些巴尼旅行小册子的?Where did you get all these Barney tour pamphlets?

巴尼播放钢琴演奏一耸的大型互动图书!Barney Plays Piano Play-a-Song Large Interactive Book!

有没有人可以谈谈克里斯陶德和巴尼弗兰克!!!!!Can anyone say Chris Dodd and Barney Frank! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

香港时装设计师郑兆良设计了员工制服。Hong Kong fashion designer Barney Cheng created the staff uniforms.

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我的名字叫做巴尼。巴尔波盖兹,我是这个马戏团的领班。My name is Barney Balbogets and I am the ringmaster of this circus.

还有更多的是巴尼帕诺夫斯基投标现场先生和夫人。There is more to that tender scene with Mr. and Mrs. Barney Panofsky.

“就在老相识巴尼那儿吧,”我说,“有什么新奇的或者了不起的事吗,乔?”Barney mavourneen's be it, says I. Anything strange or wonderful, Joe?

巴尼只懂一点点法文,其他外语一个字都不会。Barney knew scantiest amount of French and not a syllable of anything else.

巴尼从眼角斜瞥见到那么多的面孔朝他翻转过来。From the corner of his eye Barney saw the sea of faces upturned toward him.

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如果你不相信我,那就看一看国会和邦尼·弗兰克是怎么管理银行的。If you don't believe me, just watch how Congress and Barney Frank run the banks.

为了赚外快,弗雷德和邦尼决定利用业余时间做私家侦探。To get extra money, Fred and Barney open an office as part-time private detectives.

这个例子中有三个名词,"弗雷德","巴尼","威尔玛",两个动词,"觉得"和"喜欢"It has three nouns, "Fred," "Barney" and "Wilma," and two verbs, "Thinks" and "Likes."

美邦是该行业中经营共同基金的最大的经销商之一。Smith Barney is one of the largest distributors of mutual funds in the industry today.

被描述为“铁血硬汉”的巴尼是个“在危机边缘领袖群伦的战略家”。Described as “void of emotion” Barney is the “strategist leading his men to the fringe.

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那么巴尼,弗兰克,小布什,格林斯潘,他们三人中,演技最拙劣的是谁?Now, Barney Frank, Gorge W. Bush and Allen Greenspan of those three, who is the worst actor?

西尔维斯特·史泰龙饰演巴尼·罗斯,又被称作变态佬,老练的敢死队员也是队长。Sylvester Stallone as Barney Ross aka The Schizo, a veteran Expendable and leader of the team.

我认识了一个什么东西都会修的人,从我女儿会说话的巴尼玩具到我们的Bose收音机。I knew a guy who could repair anything from my daughter’s talking Barney to our Bose Wave radio.