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焦虑是个杀手。Anxiety is a killer.

她焦急万分。She was wild with anxiety.

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我的心病消除了。I was relieved from anxiety.

我的忧虑与时俱增。My anxiety grew by the hour.

他因忧虑而心烦意乱。He was distracted by anxiety.

她亟于想去是很明显的。Her anxiety to go was obvious.

她忧心忡忡。She was devoured with anxiety.

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焦虑的气氛笼罩着全镇。Anxiety brooded above the town.

由于焦虑,他感到疲乏不堪。He feels wrung out with anxiety.

他以炽烈的焦急心情倾耳细听。He listened with ardent anxiety.

这事曾使我们极为担心。This has caused us much anxiety.

这是另一个焦虑的表现。This is another sign of anxiety.

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忧虑会引起胃部不适。Anxiety may disorder the stomach.

恐惧与焦虑折磨着她。Fear and anxiety were gnawing her.

焦急忧虑可以引起胃病。Anxiety may disarrange the stomach.

但是我们有没有对付焦虑的良药呢?But is there an antidote to anxiety?

恐惧与忧愁使她一夜之间变老了。Fear and anxiety aged her overnight.

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对于这些人,焦虑是次要的。For these men, anxiety is secondary.

我不禁为莉斯感到一阵焦虑。I felt a flutter of anxiety for Liz.

他的前额因焦虑而皱起。His forehead was ridged with anxiety.