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这是鳄鱼啦啦,他有大大的,露出牙齿的微笑。This is Lala Crocodile. He has a big , toothy smile.

我甚至能想象到,那些血盆大口是多么的恶心!I can even imagine, toothy maw is how those disgusted!

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让我们帮助我们的好朋友鳄鱼,找回他的快乐的,露齿的微笑。Let's help our good friend crocodile get back his happy toothy smile.

但泰坦莽不可能把它这样牙齿发达的生物当作开胃菜一口吞下。Titanoboa could've swallowed such toothy prey as though it were an appetizer.

滑丝的扁意这些立场不会对这种露齿的服务器的机会。Those slippery strands of linguine won't stand a chance against this toothy server.

这一次,当查理船员之一,他微笑着牙齿的笑容,这是完全真实的。This time, when Charlie Crews smiled one of his toothy smiles, it was completely for real.

研究表明,这位我们人类最早的祖先很可能是长着长长牙齿的小型“食人魔”。The study shows that the earliest ancestor of human being was probably a toothy little cannibal.

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在巴塞罗那展示时,他的形象是一个蓝色、泪珠形状的一砣东西,带着露出双排牙齿的笑容。In Barcelona, he appeared as a blue, tear-shaped blob with a toothy grin showing both rows of teeth.

内陆则印在露齿白色纸张对比鲜明的白色精美的封面。The interior was printed on a toothy off-white paper that contrasts beautifully with the stark white cover.

2010年君越期待权在主场中国与锋利的折痕和牙齿别克瀑布格栅。The 2010 LaCrosse looks right at home in China with its sharp-edged creases and toothy Buick waterfall grille.

在电视和电影里,猿类有时看起来和人类十分相似——特别是它们露出牙齿的笑容。Apes on television and in the movies have something in common with their human costars —their wide toothy grins.

这种生物用它的齿状“锯子”来感知,打昏,杀死隐藏的甲壳类动物和住在海底的鱼类。This animal uses its toothy “saw” to sense buried crustaceans or bottom-dwelling fish, and to stun and kill them.

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9岁的凯特•米德尔顿本色出镜——一个露齿的微笑——这张照片摄于1991年左右她就读小学的时候。Nine-year-old Kate Middleton shows her true colors – and a toothy grin – in a photo taken at prep school around 1991.

也许在上游的什么地方,狡猾的食人鲳正呲牙暗笑躲过了一劫呢。Perhaps somewhere upriver, some wily piranhas were engaged in a toothy chuckle over their successful escape from the purge.

他木乃伊化的脸颊,露齿的微笑和年轻的脚部是隔着厚厚玻璃墙唯一可见的部分。His mummified face, including his toothy smile, and his teenage feet are the only visible parts behind the thick glass walls.

因此你可以想象当英国野生动物官员听说这样一种有着利齿的怪物被林肯郡的一个渔民钓上来时是多么的害怕。So you can imagine the fear when British wildlife officials heard that one of the toothy monsters was hooked by a fisherman in Lincolnshire.

比如,据说在亚马逊河一带,水蟒会一口吞下一只凯门鳄。但泰坦莽不把它牙齿发达的生物当作开胃菜一口吞下。Today's anacondas, for example, are known to gulp down caimans in the Amazon. Titanoboa could've swallowed such toothy prey as though it were an appetizer.

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常见的种族,全银河系的港口都有出现。这种矮小的人形种族口鼻部宽阔,牙齿突出,毛发稀疏,皮肤粗糙。A commonly encountered species found in ports across the galaxy, these short humanoids are characterized by broad toothy snouts, sparse hair and coarse skin.

海浪下面是珊瑚洞穴,长着羽毛一样的翅膀和全身条纹的鱼儿,还有龇牙咧嘴长着可怕牙齿的鲨鱼,在鲸鱼和他尾巴上的小蜗牛身边游来游去。These are the caves beneath the waves, where stripy fish with feathery fins and sharks with hideous toothy grins swam round the whale and the snail on his tail.

鲨鱼袭击已被嵌入流行的文化电影和铺天盖地的媒体故事中,共同激发了全人民对这种多齿类食人机器的恐惧感。A combination of popular culture movies and pervasive media stories concerning shark attacks has worked in concert to create a universal fear of these toothy eating machines.