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请把那一摞筒瓦递给我。Please pass me that pile of semicircular tiles.

它通常是有馅的半圆形的麦制食品。It is usually a semicircular wheaten food with stuffing.

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它是一种用小麦制成的有馅料的食物,通常呈半圆状。It is usually a semicircular wheaten food with stuffing.

那半圆的饺子大概五公分长。The semicircular jiaozi was about five centimeters long.

半圆形舌盖,造型大方,方便出启。Semicircular tongue cover , generous modeling, convenient to open.

现在在阿姆斯特丹半环形运河中它是最内侧的一条运河。It is now the inner-most canal in Amsterdam's semicircular ring of canals.

内耳的半规管以及椭圆囊和球囊主要有平衡功能。The inner ear and the semicircular canal and utricle balance function main balloon.

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当保护上半规管的部分骨头缺失时,SCDS就会发生。SCDS can occur when some part of the bone protecting the superior semicircular canal is missing.

一楼有一个大的半圆形接待台,和一个壁炉在访问者的候车区。The first floor had a large semicircular reception desk, and a fireplace in the visitor's waiting area.

在骨迷路上,有3个作为头部角加速度计的半规管。Located within the labyrinth are three semicircular canals that act as angular accelerometers for the head.

外半规管至二腹肌嵴前端是面神经乳突段的标志线。The line between lateral semicircular canals and crista of digastric muscle is the mark of mastoid segment.

该图是蓝吻口鱼的内耳结构,它由三个内耳器官和三个半圆形凹槽构成。This drawing shows the ear of the blue gourami. The ear has three otolithic organs and three semicircular canals.

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论述了半圆筒面探头的设计方法与电容量的计算。This article shows the design method for probe having semicircular cylinder face and the capacitance's calculation.

半规管的壶腹嵴由一排感觉毛细胞和2~3排支持细胞构成。The crista awpullaris of the semicircular canal consisted of a layer of sensory hair cells and 2-3 layers of supporting cells.

方法该支架是由两个掌侧半环形托板和侧方调节装置组成。Methods The new-designed external fixator is composed of two semicircular supporting splints with one lateral adjusting appliance.

教堂的设计采用传统的罗马方堂建筑结构,有三条走廊通向放置圣坛的半圆形后殿。The Church is laid out in the typical Roman basilica design, with three aisles leading to a semicircular apse containing the altar.

磨削骨半规管透过菲薄的骨质显示暗蓝色的膜半规管即为“蓝线”。The bony semicircular canal was drilled until it was so thin that the membranous canal was visible as blue color, called blue line.

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耳小囊形成于半规管背面与耳石器官腹面且在第五后脑特殊节状结构后面的一个上皮囊。Otic vesicle An epithelial sac behind the fifth rhombomere forming the semicircular canals dorsally and the otolith organs ventrally.

预应力钢丝缠绕机架采用不同的梁结构,梁上的应力分布情况不同,从而影响机架的整体性能。The stress in a semicircular beam depends on its structure and will affect the performance of the whole pre-stressed wire-wound frame.

长方形廊柱大厅基督教堂相同设计的基督教堂建筑,包括有半圆形的教堂正厅,两边或四边的走廊,一个门厅和一个高窗。A christian church building of a similar design having a nave with a semicircular apse two or four side aisles a narthex and a clerestory.