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希特勒周围的人把我这幅画看作是侮漫不敬。In Hitler's entourage this drawing was regarded as blasphemous.

满屋的人都对他那侮慢的语言感到愤慨。The people in the room were shocked by his blasphemous language.

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在第一世纪的时候,扫罗看到了亵渎宗教耶稣的迹象。During the first century, Saul saw the signs of a blasphemous Jewish sect.

要确定,基督徒被人亵渎的话语羞辱和贬低。To be sure, Christians are insulted and demeaned by blasphemous works of men.

大多数穆斯林认为,对先知默罕默德的呈现是亵渎神明。Most Muslims consider representations of the Prophet Muhammad to be blasphemous.

而在华尔街那里的才是崇拜渎神偶像的异教徒。And down there on Wall Street there are pagans who are worshipping blasphemous idols.

他们买出人来说,我们听见他说诽谤摩西,和神的话They secretly instigated some men to say, We have heard him speak blasphemous words against Moses and God.

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就买出人来说,我们听见他说谤??摩西,和神的话。Then they suborned men, which said, We have heard him speak blasphemous words against Moses, and against God.

斯奥迪斯会被看作是异端思想甚至是亵渎上帝,原因很简单--想想斯奥迪斯假定了什么。A theodicy can be seen as heretical or even blasphemous for the simple reason that it -- think of what it assumes.

设下假见证说,这个人说话,不住的糟践圣所和律法。And set up false witnesses, which said, This man ceaseth not to speak blasphemous words against this holy place, and the law

可惜的是,他的作品被认为是“诽谤滋事、亵渎神明”,诺贝尔过世就几乎全都被销毁了,只有区区三份得以幸存。The entire stock except for three copies was destroyed immediately after his death, being regarded as scandalous and blasphemous.

在伊斯兰教跟拉什迪的事件中,问题就很清楚,他是亵渎神明的宗教叛徒,还是言论自由的改革先锋?In the case of Islam VS Salman Rushdie, the issues are clear. He is a blasphemous traitor to his religion, or is he a crusader of free speech?

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自此,沉浸在肥胖流行病学修辞中的营养学界,便对这些不敬的结论展开猛烈抨击。Ever since, the academic nutrition community, steeped in the rhetoric of obesity epidemics, has lobbed broadsides at those blasphemous results.

亵渎神灵已经一直旋转所有的仪器,但按键的音乐家,因为变暗一直发挥着作为会议音乐家韦莱斯键。Blasphemous has always had rotating musicians for all instruments but keys, since Darken has always played keys for Veles as a session musician.

尼采的结论是上帝并不存在,因此,人类想要成为上帝,虔诚的宗教人士认为这是渎神。And Nietzsche concludes that God does not exist, and therefore, the humans search to be God, which a devout religious person would call blasphemous.

他的著作中大部分都充满了作呕的教义,错误的言论,饱含煽动性,无信仰可言,同时又是那么极端异教化,充满对神明的亵渎对政府的破坏。Because of there damnable doctrines, false, seditious, and impious, and most of them also heretical and blasphemous and destructive of all government.

然而不敬和亵渎的暴力屠杀已经成为暗夜领主军团的签名,他们在每一个登上的星球散布残忍的报复。Blasphemous acts and horrendous violence were the signature of the Night Lords' visitations , the fleet pressing ever onwards so as to avoid retribution.

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撒卡兰姆之子相信这本黑书充满了亵渎神祗的异端学说。事实上,这本书可能蕴藏了我们最后的补救之道。The Children of Zakarum believe that the Black Book is filled with blasphemous heresy. In truth, the book may contain the secrets to our ultimate redemption.

圣公会包容弥撒的错误,即使三十九条信纲其中一条谴责它为「亵渎的妄谈,危险的欺诈」The Anglican Church has embraced the error of the mass even though one of the Thirty Nine Articles denounces it as a "blasphemous fable and dangerous deceit".

这些网页当中没有一个含有渎神的内容,也没有任何内容可以被理解为,哪怕是牵强地,与反巴基斯坦有关,除非一个人的批评会被理解为一种叛国。None had blasphemous material, or anything which could even remotely be construed as anti-Pakistan, unless criticism of one person is considered an act of treason.