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野莴苣与牛蒡花。Wild mustard green and burdock.

牛蒡为强力的净血剂。Burdock is a powerful blood purifier.

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一些煮牛蒡,而其他工人或油炸它。Some boil Burdock while others saut or deep fry it.

牛蒡是一种植物,是关系到菊花家庭。Burdock is a plant that is related to the daisy family.

一路上你可以品尝传统的纸包鱼和里奥?布多可的薯片。Along the way, enjoy traditional, paper-wrapped fish and chips at Leo Burdock.

以金缕梅丰富提炼品,牛蒡根提炼品,芦荟薇拉叶。Enrich with Witch Hazel Extract, Burdock Root Extract, Aloe Vera Leaf Extract.

本发明涉及用牛蒡做成的一种虾子香型牛蒡酱。The invention relates to shrimp egg flavor type burdock sauce made from burdock.

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研究了不同浓度的牛蒡寡糖溶液对草决明幼苗生长的影响。To investigate the effects of burdock oligosaccharide on the seeding growth of Cassia obtusifolia.

本实验采用微波辅助热水提取法以牛蒡根为原料制备具有良好生物活性的菊糖。In the experiment, inulin was prepared from burdock root by microwave-assisted hot water extraction.

牛蒡是公认的健康食品,因为它的内容和低热量高纤维的摄入量。Burdock is well recognized as a health food because it has low calorie content and a high fiber intake.

随着越来越多的研究正在做的牛蒡许多新的和有趣的发现层出不穷。As more and more research is being done on Burdock many new and interesting discoveries are cropping up.

正因为如此,牛蒡已成功地帮助打击前低血糖和糖尿病的条件。Because of this, Burdock has been successful in helping combat hypoglycemia and pre diabetes conditions.

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1948年,一位名叫乔治·麦斯托的瑞士工程师外出散步,他与一种名叫牛蒡的带刺植物有了一次亲密的接触。When George de Mestral, a Swiss engineer, went for a walk in 1948 he had a close encounter with a burdock plant.

牛蒡还十分有助于加强免疫系统时,它已成为削弱了环境因素。Burdock is also very helpful in strengthening the immune system when it has become weakened by environmental factors.

牛蒡菊糖和菊芋菊糖对上述器官的氧化损伤具有一定的保护作用。Burdock inulin and Jerusalem artichoke inulin both exhibit a protective effect against oxidative damage of these organs.

根据牛蒡根的良好食用价值,我们从治疗降血脂,减肥等方面进行了保健食品功效学的初步研究。As burdock root has good food value, and we hypolipidemic, and the role of diet and other health food products Experiment.

以牛蒡为原料,经酶解成牛蒡汁,再发酵、调配成酒。The general processes for making burdock wine are comprised of burdock juice extraction, fermentation and wine concoction.

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目的对七个不同产地牛蒡子中的牛蒡苷进行含量测定,做出质量评价。Objective To evaluate the quality of the burdock fruit which produced in seven different places by assaying the content of arctiin in them.

营养丰富的玫瑰果油、调节头皮的牛蒡结合的头发加强蛋白有助于帮助改善发质,防止头发开叉。Nutrient rich rose hip oil and scalp conditioning burdock combined with hair strengthening proteins help improve texture and prevents splitting.

文章介绍以牛蒡营养剂为原料生产保健面包的工艺过程。该产品不仅营养价值高,风味独特,而且还具有一定的保健作用。This paper reports the process of making burdock bread. The product, has not only high nutritive value and special flavor, but also health function.