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谢谢你为CSA水泥做的工厂交货的报价。Thank you for the quotation of the EXW price for CSA cement.

CSA将努力解决以下方面的安全问题CSA will try to address security issues in the following area

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CSA的消费者可以定时收到从当地农场运来的新鲜食品。CSA customers receive regular deliveries of local fresh farm items.

在适用纽约州法律的信用支持附件或其它质押文件中被称为“出质人”。Referred to as Pledgor in the NY law CSA and other Pledge documentation.

并有部分产品获得美国能源之星产品认证标志。DJL products have UL and CSA listed to join Energy Star Platform Program.

我厂出口的安全工作鞋符合EN345及CSA标准。Our factory exports safety work shoes comply with EN345 and CSA standards.

治疗上应遵循脾以健运为用,肝以疏泄为补,肾以滋补为本的原则。The treatment principal of CSA is to health spleen, catharsis liver and invigorate kidney.

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对于那些不会讲中文的出席者,中国学生会准备了非语言类节目。For the non-Chinese speaking attendees, the CSA planned performances that did not need words.

结论两剂赛尼哌联合应用环孢素、骁悉和强的松免疫抑制治疗方案对预防肾移植后急性排斥反应是安全、有效的。Conclusion 2-dose Zenapax combined with Pret, CsA and MMF is a safe and effective prevention of AR.

同样的,这个网站也可以让消费者都能联系到那些种咖啡的农民。Coffee CSA lends consumers a hand by putting them into contact with the people who grow their coffee.

菲奥拉的下一步计划就是追查董事长奇尔斯·梅普林向帝国非法出卖企业专区管理局机密一案。Fiolla next planned to pursue the Prex, Chils Meplin, for illegally selling CSA secrets to the Empire.

“在我们对美好的虎年说再见的时候,我更想说的是‘欢迎你,兔年’”,恩波利亚州立大学中国学生会指导老师周兴说。"As we say goodbye to the great year of Tiger, I would like to say 'Welcome, Rabbit, '" Joyce Zhou, CSA adviser.

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由于BCA是一般克隆选择算法的一种抽象,因此可以推断克隆选择算法的收敛性。It can be concluded that clonal selection algorithm is convergent, because BCA is an abstract of the generic CSA.

为用户提供优质产品及应用技术等多方面的服务。CSA. VDE certification to provide users with quality products and application technology, and many other services.

CSA和TUV认证,阻燃,耐寒,耐候型绝缘胶带,适用于消磁线圈。Passed UL, CSA and TUV certificate. It is flame retardant, cold and heat endurable, using on demagnetization coil.

CSA对个人、附属机构和企业组织都是开放,同时包括云计算供应商和消费者。CSA is open to individuals, affiliate and corporate organizations, and includes both cloud computing vendors and consumers.

在扬子鳄号潜水艇沉没数月后,南方联盟以发明者名字命名的潜水艇HL亨利号正式下水。A few months after the loss of the Alligator, the CSA launched their own submarine, the H.L. Hunley, named after its inventor.

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方法利用测量限制膨胀率的方法观察高铝粉煤灰与硬石膏混合后对水泥砂浆试件的补偿收缩效果。Different compounding of high-alumina fly-ash, anhydrite, and CSA can affect the degree and speed of mortars restrained expansion.

OSA与体重指数增高有关,而CSA则与房颤、低碳酸血症和利尿剂的使用有关。OSA was associated with greater body mass index, whereas CSA was associated with atrial fibrillation, hypocapnia, and diuretic use.

在交接期间他会继续向我报告,但CSA职位是唯一的,在Ray离任之后我也不会在任命这个职位。While he’ll continue to report to me during the transition, the CSA role was unique and I won’t refill the role after Ray’s departure.