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杰克凭运气击中了靶子。Jack hit the target by a fluky shot.

此外,被告人多存侥幸心理。In addition, the defendant put fluky psychology.

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易变的股票市场使持股票者紧张不安。The fluky stock market makes shareholders nervous.

但一般人都会加壳,所以也十分不可靠。But average person can add case, so very fluky also.

而这在一定程度上,让家具商有了侥幸的心理。And this goes up in certain level, let furnisher have fluky mentality.

但时间一长,发现没事,便产生了侥幸心理。But time grows, discovery does not have a thing, produced fluky psychology.

因此,单凭脓尿诊断尿路感染是不可靠的。Accordingly, it is fluky that sheet diagnoses uric road to affect by pyuria.

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所以,用肾活检诊断上尿路感染很不可靠。So, with kidney vivid check is diagnosed on uric road infection is very fluky.

但是对于他们现在的艰难我仍然觉得很难过。I felt very fluky that I graduate one year earlier advanced for some reason than my classmates.

个别人心存侥幸,若无其事或采取预防措施。Individual will of people is put fluky , as if nothing happened or adopt precautionary measures.

因此,从理论上讲,没有明示执行此标准的产品是不可靠的。Accordingly, from theoretic tell, not bright showing the product that implements this standard is fluky.

发挥好和学习会比在发挥差的情况下取得一场侥幸的胜利更能在季后赛制造不同。Playing well and learning will make far more difference in the postseason than perhaps eking out a fluky win after playing poorly.

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初步应用表明,建立的系统对提高企业对市场变化的快速反应能力有一定的促进作用。The result of preliminary application shows that the established system can promote the enterprise to reflect the fluky market rapidly.

面对日益竞争激烈的市场,传统的薪酬设计理念显然难于满足朝晖夕阴的市场环境。In the increasing competitive market, the traditional design idea on the compensation cannot be satisfied to the fluky market environment.

至于一般人针对客观条件的种种所作出的反应,则更是错误百出,难以掌握正确的应对之方了。As for the common people their appraisals certainly are mistake-ridden and are not able to have the right direction in dealing with the fluky objection conditions.

为了防止大家有侥幸心理,夜犬便对众人道,现在唯一的办法就是在焰魔门打开的那一瞬间打败焰魔,否则一切都是空谈。In order to prevent you have fluky psychology, night and said to them, now the only way is in the flame as a moment of magic door open beat wizard, otherwise all is talking.

你还是多参考相类似的知识,以及对股票有个直观的了解,不要抱以侥幸的心理进行股票投资。You or the knowledge with much similar reference and have an intuitionistic knowledge to the stock do not hold in the arms undertake with fluky psychology the stock invests.

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接触到太多因为安全期避孕失败而来做人工流产的人,对这种方法实在不能抱侥幸心理。Bring into contact with is too much the person that because safety period uses contraceptive to fail and come, does induced abortion, cannot adopt fluky mentality really to this kind of method.