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你听说这个在法国的意大利人琴师吗?Have you heard this Italian French luthier?

每个制琴师都说自己的方法很好。Each luthier claiming that his method works very well.

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我从香港恭维年逾作为一个吉他。I got a guitar from a Hong Kong luthier as compliment.

乐器建造试、艺术家、音乐家,生于1966年。Luthier , Musical instrument builder, Artist, Musician, born 1966

所幸的是,附近有一位拨弦乐器制作工匠,塞戈维亚很快喜欢上了吉他。This guitars are as good as the ones made by the luthier alone, or almost as good.

相反地,我将给你们一些我相信成为一位制琴家要具备的简单摘要。Instead , I will give you a brief summary of what I believe it takes to be a luthier.

一般我们知道著名制琴师的作品都有自己的签名和日期。Typically, we find that artisan guitars or master luthier guitars are signed and dated.

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所幸的是,附近有一位拨弦乐器制作工匠,塞戈维亚很快喜欢上了吉他。Luckily for us, there was a luthier nearby and Segovia took an instant liking to the guitar.

还有很多制琴师评论他或许是现存在欧洲以外作琴中最伟大的制琴家。A number of his colleagues rate him as perhaps the greatest living luthier working outside Europe today.

吉他可以由一个琴师在一个小作坊里,用手工工具和一些小工具的如刨子和锯子。Guitars can be made by a single luthier in a small shop, using hand tools, and maybe a small router and a band saw.

乐器制作师们总是对涂漆非常挑剔,所以一篇针对家具的涂装文章对他们来说并没多大帮助。Instrument makers are often much more fussy about finishes so an article on French-polishing furniture may not translate well to the luthier.

如果你感觉如果槽太宽太低,导致琴颈不合那个槽,去找个有经验的工匠用木头填补它。If you feel that the neck does not fit the cavity because the cavity is too wide or too low, get your guitar to an experienced luthier who will "shim" it.

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这些乐器的制作者是巴拉圭制琴师尼古拉斯·奥鲁埃,他的灵感来自巴拉圭音乐家路易斯·萨兰领导的音乐教学节目“地球之声”。The instrument maker, Paraguayan luthier Nicolas Orue, wasinspired by the "Sounds of the Earth, " a classical music educationproject led by Paraguayan musician Luis Szaran.