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狂热的互利共生并非只能成双成对。Rabid mutualism doesn't just happen in pairs.

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牠们的交易是互利共生的绝妙例子。The exchange exemplifies a perfect mutualism.

后现代互助论方向可能成为其未来的进路。Post-modern mutualism could be the entrance of it.

讨论了二种群互惠生物数学模型。In this paper, a two-species mutualism model system is discussed.

洋槐树和它的蚂蚁亲卫队是物种之间互利共生关系的经典范例。The acacia and its ant army are a textbook example of mutualism between species.

和榕小蜂共生体系是由宿主和共生者之间的生殖配合维系的。The fig-pollinator mutualism system is maintained by the reproductive relationships.

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技术联盟是一个典型的利益共生体,实现互惠共生是共生体的最终努力方向。Technology alliance is a typical symbiosis of interests whose aim is to realize mutualism.

榕树传粉现象被广泛地作为研究协同进化特别是互惠共生的重要模式之一。The fig pollination is widely regarded as one of the models for studying the coevolved mutualism.

互生培养促进了酵母茵的代谢活性及产气指数。The mutualism promotes the metabolism of Saccheromyces cerevisiae and its-index number of producing gas.

全球化在“统合与分裂”中进行,“支配与共生”成为当今的时代课题。Globalization is going on in "unity and split", and "domination and mutualism " has become the subject of today.

与非合作动态博弈情况相比,协作情况下互利共生机制能发挥更大的作用。In contrast with results from the non-cooperative dynamic game, mutualism could perform better under coordination.

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大戟内生菌E5以上特点,体现了其与宿主之间的互惠共生关系。These characters of endophytic fungus E5 showed a good correlation with its host, and this correlation was mutualism.

榕树与传粉榕小蜂之间的互惠共生关系是协同进化研究领域中的热点之一。The species-specific mutualism between figs and pollinating fig wasps is one of the hot topics in coevolution studies.

互利共存原则在现代建筑学中并不多见,但它在解决如效率和花销这种与造型无关的实质性问题方面卓有成效。The principles of mutualism is rare in modern architecture, but it can tackle unsexy problems like efficiency and cost.

较高的资源转换效率和资源使用效率能使互利共生机制得到更充分的体现。The higher the effectiveness of transformation and utilization of resources, the better the mutualism mechanism could perform.

谁如果不懂得虚实相生,境生象外,谁就不可能领悟中国绘画的特色。Whoever does not know mutualism of blankness or conception beyond image, can not comprehend characteristics of Chinese painting.

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企业与农户共生行为模式包括偏利共生、非对称性互惠共生和对称性互惠共生三种。The symbiosis behavior mode of enterprise and farmer household include commensalism, dissymmetry mutualism and symmetry mutualism.

结果表明这种互生关系对双方的生长均有利,基质中的细胞总数较单独培养大为增加。The results indicates that the mutualism is profitable for each other, and the sum of cells increases highly than single cultivation.

将已有文献中一类特殊的两种群协作竞争模型扩展到一般的多种群协作竞争模型。A previous competition and mutualism model of two species is extended to a general competition and mutualism model of multiple species.