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你管它叫“裤管泰坦”?You call it the "Trouser Titan"?

像巨人萨图恩的一个月。Like titan one of Saturn's moons.

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有如巨人冒出了海水的泡浸。Arise like Titan from the sea's immersion.

现如今,土卫六是土星的唯一一颗大型卫星。Today, Saturn's only massive moon is Titan.

与地球的情况不同,泰坦星上的雾气是甲烷。Titan fog, on the other hand, comes from methane.

另外两颗是地球和土卫六。The others are Earth and Saturn's giant moon, Titan.

2008年某车展上的巨型拖拉机轮胎。Titan tractor tire spotter at the SEMA 2008 auto show.

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如图所示,土星的卫星土卫六和土卫二也可能有水。Saturn's moons Titan and Enceladus, shown here, may be watery.

盖亚于是向小儿子克洛诺斯求助。Gaea called upon her son Cronus , the youngest Titan , to help.

如今这四家都被航空业巨擘波音合并掉了。Now all four companies have merged into aerospace titan Boeing.

泰坦是钢爪阵营的初级战斗机甲。The Titan is the basic tier one battle mech for the Steel Talons.

十年前,微软是一个令人害怕同时自己也在担惊受怕的科技巨人。Ten years ago Microsoft was a feared and fearful technology titan.

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流体动力散逸可能也剥夺了土卫六的大部份大气。Hydrodynamic escape may have stripped Titan of much of its air, too.

泰坦松开捏住奎托斯的手指,幽默地笑起来。Kratos is released from Atlas' grasp as the Titan laughs humorously.

这幅色彩失真的图像显示出覆盖泰坦的薄雾的所有详细信息。This false color image shows the details of the haze that covers Titan.

本人愿意代表参与毅腾三项铁人会2010年度之赛事。I agree to represent Titan Triathlon to participate the race during 2010.

这次有关生命存在的发现地是土星最大的卫星—土卫六。This one concerned the possibility of life on Saturn's largest moon, Titan.

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虽然这已经是一个很大的进步,可人类还需要泰坦更多的帮助。This was a great step forward. but men needed more help yet from the Titan.

除开颜色不同以外,“泰坦”实际上似乎很像早期的地球。Despite its color, Titan actually seemed to look a lot like the early Earth.

寒冷的土卫泰坦可能比之前想象的更合适生命发展。Saturn's frigid moon Titan may be friendlier to life than previously thought.