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他从多伦多来。He’s from Toronto.

那位是年夜卫。他从多伦多去。And this is David. He's from Toronto.

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这位是大卫。他从多伦多来。And this is David. He’s from Toronto.

你还记得对阵猛龙的时候的八十一分吗?Do you remember the 81 points with Toronto?

朋友在多伦多新买的连排别墅。My friend's new bought townhouse in Toronto.

来自加拿大多伦多的法尔不赞成这个观点。Farer from Toronto in Canada is against the idea.

他住在多伦多市一座大楼里。He lives in a tall building in the city of Toronto.

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你最喜欢哪个钢琴家?Who are your favorite pianists? —Paul Chow, Toronto

和亚洲竞争的有加拿大城市多伦多。Competing with Asia is the Canadian city of Toronto.

多伦多是加拿大最靠南的城市之一。Toronto is one of the southernmost cities in Canada.

但苏联垮了之后,他返回故乡基辅,靠倒卖锰材发了横财,他是多伦多最有钱的俄罗斯移民之一。He was one of the richest Russian immigrants in Toronto.

但斯里瓦先生已有一阵子没在多伦多露面了。But Mr. Sliva has not been seen in Toronto for some time.

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她在多伦多大学教新闻摄影课。She teaches photojournalism at the University of Toronto.

这位来自多伦多的男子成了世界上首例在眼球上刺青的人。A Toronto man has been the first to get an eyeball tattoo.

加拿大安大略省东南部一城市,位于多伦多市西南。A city of southeast Ontario, Canada, southwest of Toronto.

每年大约有11.5万人到达多伦多及其郊区。About 115, 000 arrive in Toronto and its suburbs each year.

家具店西沙加是多伦多的零售商店。Furniture Store Mississauga is a toronto based retail store.

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我在北京有个长期的“基地”,但我生活在多伦多。I maintain a permanent base in Beijing, yet I live in Toronto.

以上是美国之音特约记者严明从多伦多发来的报道。Above is the report by VOA correspondent Yan Ming from Toronto.

年夏天,巴里什尼科夫在多伦多叛逃。In the summer of 1974, Mikhail Baryshnikov defected in Toronto.