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如果无效或不包含则要考虑追加保险。If it does not, consider supplemental insurance.

如果呼吸困难,输氧。If breathing is difficult, give supplemental oxygen.

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玉米花粉可以作为腰带长体茧蜂的补充营养。Corn pollen can be the supplemental food for M. cingulum.

适用于口服或管饲,可作为补充品或唯一的营养来源。For oral or tube feeding. For supplemental or sole-source nutrition.

适用于管饲或口服,以作为补充品或唯一的营养来源。For tube or oral feeding. For supplemental or sole-source nutrition.

与中标方签订的合同,以及附加协议Signed contract with bid winner, together with supplemental agreements

五六台自卸车装着填充用的沙子中那里忙碌。Half a dozen dump trucks were beetling around with loads of supplemental sand.

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今天我们通过了追加拨款法案,对此我感到极度失望。Today we passed the supplemental bill, and I’m deeply disappointed about that.

此内容要追溯到补充的或非功能的需求。This content would typically trace to supplemental or non-functional requirements.

这是人类可读的数字低于UPC码及以上的补充代码。There are human readable digits below the UPC code and above the supplemental code.

按年计算正常薪资,加上附加薪资,然后计算此总额的税收。Annualize normal wages, add in the supplemental wages, and compute tax on the total.

每天一滴美赞臣补铁滴剂能够提供优质的补铁源。One daily does of Fer-In-Sol Drops provides an excellent source of supplemental iron.

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因此,碱式氯化锌在日粮中是一种好的锌源添加剂。Therefore, basic zinc chloride could be a good supplemental source of Zn in the diet.

并用BAN形式逻辑上验证了该方案的完备性。Using the supplemental BAN logic, a process of formal analyse of this scheme protocol.

而其他水处理厂排除的废水,也可以作为补充水源水被使用。Effluents from other processing plants may also be used as a supplemental source of water.

使用通用申请的作文题目,并另附补充作文。University of Chicago Use the Common Application essay questions plus supplemental essays.

荣誉勋章获得者将有资格获得军人的津贴。Enlisted recipients of the Medal of Honor are entitled to a supplemental uniform allowance.

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本补充协议构成原协议不可分割的部分。This Supplemental Agreement shall constitute an inseparable part of the Original Agreement.

如果受害人呼吸停止,应当进行人工呼吸和输氧。Assisted respiration and supplemental oxygen should be given if the victim is not breathing.

补充或相关的重要材料放置在页面的第二个区域。Place important but supplemental or tangential material in a secondary position on the page.