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随后,伯克利莎草开始不停地长啊,长啊。Then the Berkeley Sedge grew, and grew.

乌拉草纤维是一种新型的绿色环保纤维。Meyer Sedge fiber is a new type of green fiber.

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中国的一种苔草,结可食的球状块茎。Chinese sedge yielding edible bulb-shaped tubers.

中国的一种苔草,结可食的球状块茎。Chinese sedge yielding edible bulb-shaped tubers.

欧洲的一种莎草,具有小的、可食用的坚果状块茎。European sedge having small edible nut like tubers.

宾夕法尼亚莎草之类的草类物种接管了领地。grass-like species such as Pennsylvania sedge take over.

悬挂的芦苇保持美丽的叶子并且甚至继续它的发展。The hanging sedge keeps beautiful leaves and continues even its growth.

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建筑与木栈道环绕着雨水花园与郁郁葱葱的莎草地。The building and boardwalks frame the rain gardens and broom sedge meadows.

细鳞大马哈鱼和鲑鱼的残骸横七竖八的摊在铺满潮汐莎草的岸边。Pink and chum salmon carcasses lie tangled in linguine strands of tidal sedge.

一种生于尼罗河谷的高的茅草,在古代它的纤维被用于多种用途。Tall sedge of the Nile valley yielding fiber that served many purposes in historic times.

连两岸的莎草没有带着渔网前来的渔夫的打搅也几乎从不摇摆。So the sedge which lines the banks knows hardly any disturbance until the fishermen come with their nets.

薄薄的雨雾并不能遮盖腐臭的味道,粉红色大马哈鱼的尸体杂乱地缠绕在一缕缕潮汐冲来的莎草中。The rain and mist can't mask the funky rot. Pink and chum salmon carcasses lie tangled in linguine strands of tidal sedge.

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高寒草甸莎草科草地的土壤水分和营养决定着草地质量及其生产能力。The quality and productivity of sedge pasture in the alpine meadow area are determined by the moisture ana nutrient of the soil.

一种产于北美东部、墨西哥和西印度群岛高海岸或沼生的蓑衣草,叶片具有尖利的小齿边缘。A tall coastal or marshy sedge of eastern North America, Mexico, and the West Indies, having leaves with sharp, minutely toothed margins.

在山谷的莎草沼泽和顶峰的沼泽里,可看到宽齿髭鼠、北夜宴蛙和河黑鱼。Watch out for the rare broad-tooth rat, northern corroboree frog and river blackfish in the sedge fens in the valleys and bogs on the peaks.

这是也在冬季参加装饰的草。悬挂的芦苇保持美丽的叶子并且甚至继续它的发展。Here is the grass who participates in the decoration in the winter months too. The hanging sedge keeps beautiful leaves and continues even its growth.

根据植物残体组成和理化性质可分三种草本泥炭类型。纤维质低灰分的草本泥炭主要用作建筑材料、提取水解物作饲料酵母和净化吸附材料。The herbaceous peat mainly consists of plant residue of Sedge and Reed, and physical and chemical properties are distinguished from moos peat and woody peat.

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文章介绍了乌拉草纤维的开发现状、成分分析以及生产的工艺流程,对提取乌拉草纤维的脱胶工艺进行了优化选择。The development status, composition and production process are introduced, and the optimized degumming technique of extracting meyer sedge fiber are selected.

单子叶植物以禾本科和莎草科为主,分别为270种和115种,双子叶植物以豆科和菊科为主,分别为212种和54种。Of monocotyledon there are 270 species of graminaceous plants and 115 species of sedge plants, and of dicotyledon there are 212 legume plants and 54 composite plants.