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您获得了一张电子会员卡!You have received A Hallmark E-Card!

看起来,最后是一个标志性的爆炸和Olufsen。Looks that last are a hallmark of Bang & Olufsen.

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睡眠崩解已经是抑郁的一个特点。Sleep disruption is already a hallmark of depression.

这已经成为安伯电影公司的标志性技术。It's a technique that has become the hallmark of Amber Films.

佩林之后,已成为业余茶党的标志。After Sarah Palin, amateurism has become a Tea Party hallmark.

机会注意策略似乎已经成为哈马斯组织的新的特色。Opportunism as strategy appears to be the group’s new hallmark.

上瘾是每一个以迷恋为基础的爱情故事所具有的特征。Addiction is the hallmark of every infatuation-based love story.

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这种方法成为了新历史主义的一大标志。This technique became kind of a hallmark of the New Historicism.

过节狂饮是中国传统的风俗之一。It is a hallmark in Chinese festival celebration to get boozed up.

使用音乐。带声音的贺卡。今天的特点金冠商店有售。Use music. Cards with Sound, at today's Hallmark Gold Crown Stores.

短期记忆的丧失是阿尔茨海默病的早期征兆特点。Short-term memory loss is the hallmark early symptom of Alzheimer's.

创新历来是世界交易会和博览会的一项标志。Innovation has always been a hallmark of world’s fairs and expositions.

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现在许多心理学家认为,他的这句名言承载有许多哲学真理。Now psychologists have found that his quip bears the hallmark of truth.

你可以把济慈的诗送给你生病的朋友而不仅仅是一张贺曼卡。You can do more for an ailing friend with Keats than with a Hallmark card.

弦论另一个标志是额外的维度。Another hallmark of string theory is the positing of additional dimensions.

新时期最突出的标志是与时俱进。Keeping up with the times is the most prominent hallmark of the new period.

低血磷是复食症候群的生化检验特徵。The hallmark biochemical feature of refeeding syndrome is hypophosphatemia.

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这种冷言冷语一直是整个反对医疗改革运动的标志。And that cynicism has been the hallmark of the whole campaign against reform.

这样的分离是良好设计的标志,并可以增加可维护性。Such a separation is a hallmark of good design and increases maintainability.

完全导电性是超导电性的第一个传统的检验标志。Perfect conductivity is the first traditional hallmark of super- conductivity.