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多变量GARCH模型也提出了。Multivariate GARCH models are also presented.

聚类分析是多元分析的一个分支。Cluster analysis is a branch of multivariate analysis.

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至于多单变项分析则未得到有意义的危险因子。Multivariate analysis failed to identify any significant risk factors.

MTB感染的风险因子通过多变量分析进行评估。Risk factors for MTB infection were evaluated by multivariate analysis.

还有多元测试,一次可以比较多个变量。There is also multivariate testing, which compares more than one variable.

介绍了多变量时间序列相空间重构理论。Phase-space reconstruction theory of multivariate time series is introduced.

证据权法本身是一种离散的多元统计方法。The weights-of-evidence method is a discrete multivariate statistical method.

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影响治疗失败时间的临床或分子预测因素通过多因素模型分析。Clinical or molecular predictors of TTF were examined by multivariate analysis.

阿巴卡韦的应用和平均红细胞体积的增加在多因素分析中有相互作用。Use of abacavir and increased MCV were key correlates in multivariate analyses.

本课程是对于单变量与多变量时间序列模型的一个介绍。The course is an introduction to univariate and multivariate time series models.

有一种找到答案的方法就是使用多元回归分析。One way to look for answers is by conducting a multivariate regression analysis.2

通过单变量和多变量分析提供了潜在的预后因子。Potential prognosticators were submitted to univariate and multivariate analyses.

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然后,介绍了应用到SAR影像中的多参数统计假设检验方法。Then the multivariate statistical hypothesis tests is introduced to apply in SAR images.

本文通过实例验证了DPCA监视动态多变量过程的有效性。The paper verifies the effectiveness of DPCA for monitoring dynamic multivariate process.

在多因素分析中,年龄在活检和感染方面与F2,F3,F4相关。In multivariate analysis, ages at biopsy and at infection were associated with F2, F3, F4.

利用多元灵敏感度分析估算研究结果的不确定性。Multivariate sensitivity analysis was used to estimate the uncertainty around the findings.

多元分析法研究术后硬膜血肿体积相关的危险因素。Multivariate analysis identified risk factors associated with postoperative hematoma volume.

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本文提出求解不可压缩材料的多变量元级消元法。A method of multivariate element level elimination for incompressible materials is presented.

表明PWP模型是一种有效地处理多维生存时间资料的分析方法。PWP model is an efficient analytical method for dealing with multivariate survival-time data.

多重变量logistic回归用来确定每个因素与病死率之间的关系。Each factor’s contribution to the CFR was determined through multivariate logistic regression.