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简是一个性感的金发女郎。Jane is a buxom blond.

简是一个高大而漂亮的金发女郎。Jane is a buxom blond.

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简是一个性感女孩。Jane is a buxom blonde.

右边的那位女士长得略微丰满标致一些。The lady on the right is a little more buxom.

威廉说。“他相当丰满,我喜欢叫他丰满而性感的女性。”She was rather buxom . I would call her zaftig.

丰乳肥臀的寡妇应该使之再婚,或予以埋葬,不然就关进女修道院里去。A buxom widow must be either married, buried or shut up in a convent.

总接线员是个四十岁左右,南方口音很重的长得丰满的女人。The chief operator was a buxom lady of forty or so with a heavy Southern accent.

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与此同时,一个体态丰腴的金发舞女会绕着“旋转舞厅”下的一根柱子大秀钢管舞。At the same time, a buxom blonde dancer gyrates around a pole under the spinning disco ball.

查理坐在一家阴暗的介绍所里,跟一个性情暴躁的贝亚内斯人和一个健壮的布列塔尼农民谈了话。Charlie sat in a gloomy agency and talked to a cross Bearnaise and to a buxom Breton peasant.

按西班牙人的主张,丰乳肥臀的孀妇应该使之再婚,或予以掩埋,否则就关进女修道院里去。The Spaniard have it that a buxom widow must be either married, buried, or shut up in a convent.

他点了来自健美者的啤酒,空的-注视伺服器,尝试不要明显地外看地方。He ordered a beer from the buxom , vacant-stared server, trying not to look obviously out of place.

事实上,这位体态丰满的金发美女在听证会上虚情假意的抽泣很难博取人们的同情。Indeed the buxom blonde who sniffled disingenuously during the hearings has hardly been a sympathetic figure.

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“他时母狗中少数的极品。”威廉说。“他相当丰满,我喜欢叫他丰满而性感的女性。"She was even a little extreme for a bitch, " William said. "She was rather buxom. I would call her zaftig. "

总接线员是个四十岁左右,南方口音很重的长得丰满的女人。帕格提到拉古秋时,她神情就活泼起来了。The chief operator, a buxom lady of forty or so with a heavy Southern accent, brightened when Pug mentioned Lacouture.

一代人以前,婴儿肥被认为是健康的,并且丰满的女演员很受欢迎,可是如今社会都推崇瘦。A generation ago, fat babies were considered healthy and buxom actresses were popular, but society has come to worship thinness.

一到设定的时间,那类闹钟就会响起舞曲,迪斯科灯光闪烁不停。取此同时,一个体态丰腴的金发舞女会绕灭“旋转舞厅”上的一根柱女大秀钢管舞。When the alarm goes off, dance music plays and disco lights flash. At the same time, a buxom blonde dancer gyrates around a pole under the spinning disco ball.

她的日志中写道,当时这位22岁的年轻人“穿着一件舒适的T恤,就像个体态丰满的妇女”,身上散发出“汗液、Brut牌除臭喷雾、抽烟、吃葡萄干、睡觉、呼吸”的味道。Her journal recalls a 22-year-old man in "a comfy T-shirt depicting buxom women", marked by the smells of "running sweat, Brut spray deodorant , smoking, eating raisins , sleeping, breathing".