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他在冷漠中成为了沙皇。He is a tsar in indifference.

出现“血友病沙皇”也为期不远了。A haemophilia tsar cannot be far away.

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常在的小组由斯蒂文·陈带领。Tsar & Tsai's team is led by Steven Chen.

1689年他全面掌权做了沙皇。He assumed full authority as tsar in 1689.

巴克思·德·托利住在离皇帝四俄里的地方。Barclay de Tolly was staying four versts away from the Tsar.

他将迫使并不情愿的沙皇与他正面作战。He would force the reluctant Tsar to face him in open combat.

俄国沙皇尼古拉一世诞生,是沙皇保罗一世第三个儿子。Nicholas I, Tsar of Russia, was born the third son of Tsar Paul I.

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皇后试穿新衣帽时,皇上在一旁美滋滋地看着。As she tried on the new coat and hat, the tsar looked on admiringly.

位于圣彼得堡的冬宫曾是俄国沙皇的居住地。The Winter Palace in St Petersburg was a house for the Tsar of Russia.

沙皇保罗一世在俄国历史上被认为是一个神智不健全的皇帝。Tsar Paul I in Russia's history is considered a theosophy not sound emperor.

不可避免地,这些活动导致了与卡德罗夫,这位车臣“暗杀沙皇”的正面交锋。Inevitably, this led to confrontation with Kadyrov, Chechnya's thuggish tsar.

而有一个人占据了谈判中的首要位置,他就是俄罗斯的沙皇彼得。One man commanded a foremost position in the negotiations – Tsar Peter of Russia.

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皇上转向约瑟夫说,“你为皇后制作了无以伦比的礼物。The tsar turned to Josef and said, "What fine gifts you have made for my tsarina."

沙皇曾是活着的圣像,具有深远的历史和宗教意义。A tsar was a living icon, invested with deep historical and religious significance.

布尔什维克们917年推翻了沙皇,他们用红旗作为其象征。The Bolsheviks used a red flag as their symbol when they overthrew the tsar in 1917.

与此同时,沙皇命令全军在黎明前在自己的战位上做好准备。At the same time the Tsar had his entire army ready and at their posts well before dawn.

白宫国家药品管理政策主任吉尔-克里考斯基拒绝了调查小组的建议。The office of White House drug tsar Gil Kerlikowske rejected the panel's recommendations.

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“全俄沙皇亚历山大二世皇帝陛下,”她说了,但是声音在颤抖。"His Majesty Alexander II, Tsar of All the Russias, "she said. But her voice was trembling.

玛尼娅知道,还有别的人有帮助波兰的梦想,他们打算向沙皇投掷炸弹。There were others who dreamed for Poland, Manya knew, and plotted to throw bombs at the Tsar.

用完午饭,皇帝吃着最后一片饼干,站起身来,走到阳台上。The dinner was almost over, the Tsar got up, and still munching a biscuit, came out on the balcony.