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抛体运动Projectile motion.

抛体运动是什么?。What Is Projectile Motion?

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我们还研究了一些抛体运动Then we did some projectile problems.

这是抛体运动的问题That's a problem of projectile motion.

这个标签将会让抛射体在其他单位下方移动。This will let the projectile move under other units.

它就像一个弹出的巨大锋利的物体,切过水面。It cut the water like a gigantic and keen projectile.

这些标签法则了抛射体发射的坐标。These tags dictate where the projectile will be launched.

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榴弹炮由一名额外的舱外炮手控制。An additional exterior gunner controls the projectile cannon.

观测炮击的炮弹将不会再在地面下爆炸。Overwatch projectile shouldn't explode below ground any more.

黄雀伸着脖子想要吃螳螂,但是不知道有弹弓在它的下面。With delay neck to peck mantis, but not so below also projectile.

伸缩式双弹芯穿甲弹是动能穿甲弹的一个新概念。The telescopic projectile is a kind of new idea for the KE projectiles.

因此,这个发射并不像是一个卫星。Therefore, it is unlikely that the projectile launched was a satellite.

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滑翔增程是目前采用的较为有效的一种弹箭增程技术。The gliding flight of projectile is an efficient extended range technique.

他们也携带射弹步枪,用以射向过往的车辆。They also carry projectile rifles with which to shoot at passing vehicles.

它可以进行两种不同的击发,致命的和非致命的。It can chamber two different rounds, a lethal and a less-lethal projectile.

针对某小口径高炮提出了一种弹道修正方案。A trajectory correction scheme of small caliber projectile was brought forward.

避免投射类的玩具,例如飞镖,弓和箭以及点燃弹射类的玩具。Avoid projectile toys, such as darts, bows and arrows, and missile-firing toys.

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设计成一定形状的射弹,通过制有膛线的枪管发射。BULLET a shaped projectile designed to be shot trough the rifled barrel of a gun.

抛射体的竖直方向和水平方向的运动能够分开来处理。The vertical and horizontal motions of a projectile can be treated independently.

电磁炮是利用电磁场的作用力发射弹丸的。The electromagnetic gun uses the electromagnetic field the action launch projectile.