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分析了频繁函数集的性质。Analyzing the property of FFS.

我们正在分析星尘号的彗星样品。We are analyzing Stardust cometary samples.

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有人选66了,那我们来分析一下Somebody said 66. So let's start analyzing this.

最后对该声码器进行性能分析。At last, analyzing the performance of the vocoder.

恐吓信基本分析完了。I'm nearly done analyzing the threatening letters.

是测量,定量和分析数据。It’s about measuring, quantifying and analyzing data.

分析部首表意性是有意义的。Analyzing ideographic nature of radical is meaningful.

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分析全部扩展超出了本文的范围。Analyzing them all is beyond the scope of this article.

对渗滤取水的取水量影响因素分析。Analyzing the factors that influence the water quantity.

改进的文件尺寸精度在分析和清洗。Improved file size accuracy when analyzing and cleaning.

分析了NMF模型的优点和不足之处。Analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the NMF model.

他一直在仔细分析着布里森登的知识结构。He had been closely analyzing Brissenden's mental equipment.

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从辩证法上来分析,诡辩的本质是一种谬误。Dialectical analyzing the nature of sophism, it is a mistake.

重点分析炉身破损的原因。Emphasis is laid on analyzing the causes of the stack damage.

定义和分析什么是幽默是缺乏幽默感者的游戏。Defining and analyzing humor is a pastime of humorless people.

提出了一种利用小波变换进行流型分析的方法。A method for analyzing flow Pattern using wavelet is presented.

人因可靠分析已成为核电站概率风险分析的重要组成部分。HRA has become an important component in analyzing PRA of NPPs.

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您可能在分析计量经济学的数据或模拟雨林。You may be analyzing econometric data or modeling rain forests.

分析并疏通这条道路,就是本文的工作。Analyzing and disentangling this way is the focus of my article.

然而,分析气体的技术实现了非侵入性研究古书。But analyzing the gases coming off the old books is noninvasive.