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他们把那些粗纺毛线绕成团。They balled off the woollen yarn.

毛织物一洗要缩水。Woollen fabrics shrink in the wash.

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不要使用羊毛制的毯子或棉被。Don't use woollen blankets or quilts.

这条毛毯多漂亮呀!How beautiful the woollen blanket is!

毛料衣服常常刺痛我的皮肤。Woollen clothes often prickle my skin.

我们都穿羊毛衫保暖。We all wear woollen pullovers to keep warm.

这块毛料刚巧是十码长。His woollen cloth measures ten yards exactly.

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廉江市那里可以学游泳呢?Can Lian Jiang City learn swim woollen cloth there?

他们穿粗呢或粗布。They are clothed in coarse woollen or coarse linen.

去哪里吃正宗的北京小吃呢?Where do go to eat traditional Beijing snack woollen cloth?

多穿件毛衣也还顶事。It does serve the purpose to put on another woollen sweater.

现在的最健康的瘦脸方法是哪些呢?The most healthy thin now which woollen cloth face method is?

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2010年的最快速的瘦腰茶是哪些呢?The most speedy thin in 2010 which woollen cloth middle tea is?

我们要采购纺织品,羊毛,毛织品,丝,丝织物。We want to buy Textiles, Wool, Woollen Textiles, Silk, Silk Fabric.

你怎么处理你的毛料衣服,是你个人的事。What you do with your woollen clothing is a matter of personal choice.

羊毛料和木材送到埃及以换取亚麻布或纸莎草纸。Woollen cloth and timber were sent to Egypt in exchange for linen or papyrus.

甘口的日本清酒在北京哪里有卖的呢?Where does the Japan of sweet mouth sake have the woollen cloth selling in Beijing?

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本文提出了微型机毛纺织厂工艺设计系统。This paper suggests a microcomputer system for the technical design of woollen mills.

本店羊毛衫展销,全为名牌,绝无次品。All woollen sweaters in this cardigan show are famous Brands, and no. defective goods.

英文粗纺行业以前的政治势力的故事也同样引人入胜。The tales of the erstwhile political power of the English woollen industry are also fun.