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这很侮辱人。It's insulting.

你是在故意侮辱她!You are being insulting her!

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有些则完全是污蔑性的。Some are downright insulting.

那也不能作为侮辱我的理由啊!That’s no excuse for insulting me!

他辱没了国王的预备。He was insulting to the king's provision.

她被他侮辱性的言语所激怒。She was roused to anger by his insulting remarks.

很幸运,那侮蔑的话对他们产生不了作用。Luckily, that insulting remark was lost upon them.

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你刚才说的话很无礼也很无知。What you just said is very insulting and ignorant.

以文字诽谤或以歌曲侮辱他人的,处死刑。Libels and insulting songs to be punished by death.

书评作者的批评没有必要这样欺侮人。The reviewer's criticism was unnecessarily insulting.

杰西卡问道,声音里透着近乎无礼的惊讶。Jessica asked with insulting astonishment in her voice.

对我个人来讲是一个屈辱的经历。To myself the event was both humiliating and insulting.

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你用那样恶语伤人太不合适了!It does not become you to use insulting words like that!

我早晚要找你算这笔账的,你得为你的侮辱行为付出代价。I'll settle with you, you have to pay for your insulting.

因为这是在嘲笑聚会主人在你的食物里食盐放少了。It's insulting to your host to sprinkle salt on your food.

会把侮辱的话写在同事们都能看见的备忘录里吗?Does he put insulting notes on memos that co-workers can see?

他受不了听见别人侮辱他的教父。Hearing someone insulting his godfather was too much for him.

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踩到别人或踩食物被看作是一种侮辱的行为。Stepping over someone, or over food, is considered insulting.

违背社会公德或者诽谤、侮辱他人的。Breaching the social morality or libeling and insulting others.

这简直是在侮辱古埃及人留下的文化遗产啊。This is simply insulting to the legacy of the Ancient Egyptians.