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抓住这个时刻。Seize the moment.

他们应该抓住这个机会。They should seize it.

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不争论,只争朝夕!Not arguing seize the day!

因此,把握今天!Therefore, seize this day!

趁热打铁。抓住时机。Seize time by the forelock.

及时行乐。把握今天,孩子们。Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys.

敢用什么手攫取这火种?What the hand dare seize the fire?

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熊一把抓住老鼠擦擦屁股走了!Xiong seize a mouse butt wipe away!

能扭成你的心脏和肌肉?Could seize the sinews of thy heart?

是我最喜爱的格言。Seize today" is my favorite proverb.

企业要抢占市场份额。Enterprises have to seize market share.

要有信心,把握自己的未来。Have confidence, seize their own future.

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抢抓机遇,用好政策。Seize the opportunity, with good policy.

海关人员可以没收走私物品。Customs officers can seize smuggled goods.

问题是他们能不能抓住这个机会。The question is whether they can seize it.

看我们怎样把唐僧抓回来。Yes, see how we will seize tang monk back.

机会正在那儿呢,为什么不抓住它?The opportunity is there. Why not seize it?

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把握每个小时,抓住宝贵的分分秒秒。Embrace each hour. Seize each golden minute.

他冀图夺取政权的野心已经路人皆知了。His ambition to seize power is known to all.

莫失良机,马上联系我们!!!!Seize the opportunity and call us NOW! ! ! !