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纯洁的爱就像是个罪恶…。It's pure whitest , just like sin.

当然,他们的皮肤是白的。And, of course, their skin is the whitest.

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黑人手中的百合花最白。Lilies are whitest in a blackamoor's hand.

佛罗里达被称为世界最白细沙滩。Florida fears for 'world's whitest beaches'.

阿诺德可是个最纯净--最有礼的人。Arnold was the whitest and the smoothest man.

他还有最整齐、最洁白的牙齿。He had the straightest, whitest teeth I'd ever seen.

佛罗里达的西耶斯塔海滩以其世界第一白而闻名。Florida's Siesta Beach is known for having the whitest sand in the world.

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皑皑白雪柔和地覆盖在锯齿般的岩石上颠上,显得更加壮丽纯洁。It stands imposing and pure, jagged rock softened by a coat of the whitest snow.

用纯白光的光环围绕你生活中遇到的人。Uplift the people in your life by surrounding them in an aura of the whitest light.

例如,您能找到最黑的花岗岩和最白色的大理石,并且所有中间遮蔽。For example you can find the blackest granite and the whitest marble and all shades in between.

粉底颜色应该比你的肤色稍淡一个色度,所以别选最白的色度。Foundation should only be one shade lighter than your skin color, so don't choose the whitest shade.

该泳滩包括最微小的和雪白的鹅卵石和两三层房子建在海岸线上的权利。The beaches consist of the tiniest and whitest pebbles and the two and three story houses are built right on the shoreline.

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满头白发的长者们提醒我们,在地球最洁白无瑕的地方最接近天堂。Older , godly people with snow of time on their heads, remind us that those points of earth are whitest which are nearest heaven.

新西兰羊毛是世界上最白的羊毛,也是染色最佳的羊毛,其持久不变形等特征已经世界驰名。New Zealand wool is the world's whitest wool with excellent dyeing characteristics, resulting in long-lasting shades from jewel-tones to pastels.

由于他的嘴生得动人,是世上嘴唇里最红的,牙齿里最白的,他微微一笑便可纠正整个外貌的严厉气氛。As his mouth was charming, his lips the reddest, and his teeth the whitest in the world, his smile corrected the severity of his face, as a whole.

美国最“白”的地方当属阿拉斯加州的瓦尔迪兹,那里离经常发生臭名昭著的溢油事故现场不远。每年的平均降雪量高达326英寸。The whitest place in the United States is Valdez, Alaska—near the site of the infamous oil spill—which receives 326 inches of snow a year, on average.

同时,以测定碱溶解度作为化学降解的限制条件,提出了产生最佳白度的脱色工艺处方。The Bleaching recipes leading to the whitest wool have been suggested, limited by constraints on chemical degradation, as measured by alkali solubility.

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作为一个白人女孩,我从小接触到的是各种“白人理念”,所以连我自己都会为我这个信条感到惊讶——特别是我曾经是那么讨厌这种音乐。And being a white girl born and raised in the whitest conditions, it surprises me that I've come to this belief — especially since I used to hate this music.

莱瑟曼博士说,午后的沙滩的海岸形似月牙,拥有世界上最美丽的,洁白无瑕的沙子,以及最适宜游泳的清澈温暖的海水。Siesta's crescent-shaped beach boasts some of the finest, whitest sand in the world and has clear, warm waters that are perfect for swimming, Leatherman said.

尽管有着完全通过种族透镜来审视我参选一事的诱惑,我们在这个国家一些白人人口比例最高的州里取得了大幅的胜利。Despite the temptation to view my candidacy through a purely racial lens, we won commanding victories in states with some of the whitest populations in the country.