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教会并没有受戒的神职人员。The church has no ordained clergy.

如果上帝的话语就足够,有什么需要的是一个神职人员?If God's word sufficed, what need of a clergy?

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如果上帝的话语就足够,有什麽需要的是一个神职人员?If God's word sufficed , what need of a clergy?

新的建议与神职人员和俗人都有关系。The new proposals affect both clergy and laity.

神职人员和信众同样都观点各异。Clergy and laity alike are divided in their views.

当地全豹的牧师出席了仪式。All the local clergy joined in the fun the ceremony.

波兰的教士们运用他们的影响去使人民波兰化。The Polish clergy use their influence to polonize the people.

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这所学校同时培训穆斯林,犹太教和基督教牧师。The school will train Muslim, Jewish and Christian clergy together.

有时候,并非总是,神职人员和俗人投了单独的分庭。Sometimes, not always, the clergy and laity voted in separate chambers.

一位犹太牧师在乔治·华盛顿,1789年的就职典礼上出席。George Washington had a Jewish clergy person at his inauguration in 1789.

那幢牧师住的红砖大屋是个多子女的牧师在职时修建的。The large, redbrick vicarage was built in the days of more fecund clergy.

多年来,美国天主教会一直在努力寻找新的神职人员。For years, the Catholic Church in America has struggled to find new clergy.

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集会的参与者多而复杂,既有僧侣也有俗众,既有男人也有女人。The assemBly was large and varied, containing clergy and laity, men and women.

新美国路德教会提供了一个教会能给同性恋打开大门的可能性的尝试。The ELCA offers a new test for how a church might open its doors to gay clergy.

因此,他的讲道面向的不只是世俗之人,也面向神职人员。Thus, his preaching was directed at not only the laity, but the clergy as well.

在她异像幻觉之后,牧师和教区居民似乎都在嘲笑贝尔纳德特。During and after her visions, clergy and parishioners alike ridiculed Bernadette.

他利用格尔达者耶和其僧侣的不和,进攻凯义里。He availed himself of a quarrel between Kertajaya and his clergy to attack Kediri.

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——这样的旅行将为他未来作为一名牧师的前途带来不良影响。Such a voyage would reflect badly on his future prospects as a member of the clergy.

僧侣书画家,即僧人书法家,僧人画家。Clergy painter-calligrapher, namely Buddhist priest calligrapher, Buddhist priest painter.

而且现在,曾经受神职者压制的爱尔兰的政治阶层疏离了他们。And Ireland’s political class, once so priest-ridden, now distances itself from the clergy.