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古代信徒的祷告,像放在银行柜台上的支票一样,立刻可以兑取现金。The prayer of the Pentecostal age was like a cheque to be paid in coin over the counter.

我们承认属灵医治者在五旬节教会所有属灵恩赐为我们的信仰。We admit our belief in the presence of the Healer in all the charismata of the Pentecostal church.

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然而,基督教也有了很大程度上的复苏,尤其是正统基督教和五旬节流派。However, there is also a strong Christian revival, especially among the fundamentalist and Pentecostal sects.

故此,在这个历史的时刻上,时代论神学对于五旬节派和福音派的信徒更有实际的意义。Thus, dispensational theology made a lot of sense to both Pentecostal and evangelical believers at this point in history.

一月底,八人因涉嫌在首都科伦坡策划一起灵恩派教堂爆炸案被逮捕。Late that month, eight people were arrested for suspected roles in the firebombing of a Pentecostal church in the capital of Kuala Lumpur.

上世纪80年代及90年代更是下滑了三分之二,当时的天主教徒们纷纷转投新成立的五旬节教会。Almost two-thirds of this reduction happened in the 1980s and 1990s, when Catholics were apparently drawn away to new Pentecostal churches.

与此同时,复兴主义者和圣灵降临教在非洲的许多地区发展迅速,为处在动荡时期的人们提供了精神上的稳定力量。In parallel, revivalist and Pentecostal churches have proliferated in many parts of Africa, offering spiritual stability in times of uncertainty.

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这可能是由于伦敦圣灵降临教派的极速扩张造成的。”提奥斯智库主席保罗·乌里表示。That may well be due to the growth of Pentecostal churches in London, which are growing at an extraordinary rate, " said Paul Woolley, director of Theos ."

相反,在这个世界上人口密度最大的穆斯林国家,基督教开始一次属灵的复兴,充满了因信医治和说方言的神迹。Instead, in the heart of the world's most populous Muslim-majority nation, Christians held a Pentecostal revival, complete with faith healing and speaking in tongues.

四年前在马萨储塞州林恩郡杜兰朵教堂,每周一次的食品储藏发放两个小时,有75个家庭来领取几天的生活必需品。Four years ago at Torrente De Cedron Pentecostal Church in Lynn, Mass., the weekly food pantry stayed open for two hours as about 75 families came through for a few days' worth of groceries.