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我们为毛要攻打利比亚?Why are we attacking Libya?

联合国通过决议在利比亚设立禁飞区。UN SC okays no-fly zone over Libya.

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中国将从利比亚撤退3.3万中国人。China to evacuate 33,000 from Libya.

公开的国内战争已经在叙利亚爆发。Open civil war has broken out in Libya.

突尼斯害怕邻近的利比亚。Tunisia is afraid of neighboring Libya.

他还将访问利比亚和毛利塔尼亚。He will also visit Libya and Mauritania.

美国摩拳擦掌,派遣军舰前往利比亚US flexes muscle, sends warships to Libya

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后卡扎菲时代的利比亚是否会像伊拉克?Will a post-Gadhafi Libya look like Iraq?

如各位所知,我是美国驻利比亚的大使。As you know, I’m the U.S. ambassador to Libya.

解放后的利比亚革命尚未成功,人民仍需努力!Post-liberation Libya Let them get on with it!

班加西利比亚东北的一个城市,位于锡德拉海湾。A city of northeast Libya on the Gulf of Sidra.

他说,他在利比亚没有政治野心。He said he has no political ambitions in Libya.

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此外还有2011年北约对利比亚的轰炸。In this, the nato bombardment of Libya in 2011.

利比亚是全球第12大石油出口国。Libya is the world's 12th-largest oil exporter.

他们曾承诺建立一个民主的利比亚。They have promised to build a democratic Libya.

联合国呼吁利比亚和平过渡。UN urges peaceful transition of power in Libya.

英法都木有殖民过利比亚。Neither France nor Britain ever colonized Libya.

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卡扎菲以铁腕手段统治利比亚达42年之久,这位机智的领导人在1969年发动不流血的政变夺取政权,将当时的国王伊德里斯赶下台。Gadhafi ruled Libya with an iron fist for 42 years.

所以,这是利比亚历史上的重大一天。So this is a momentous day in the history of Libya.

后卡扎菲时代的利比亚很可能需要外部的帮助。A post-Qaddafi Libya is likely to need outside help.