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最野性的人之一就是雪儿了。Cher is frequently one of the wildest.

因为今晚我将见到我的宝贝,乖乖!For tonight down I'm gonna see my ma cher amio.

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一去一来,交接处,是雪儿的悠闲。One to one, the junction is the leisurely Cher.

“喂,你们去哪里?”雪儿跟在他们后面问。" Hey, where you going?" Cher behind them to ask.

白果,莲子,杏仁,菜燕,龙眼,雪儿。Ginkgo, lotus seeds, almonds, jelly, longan, cher.

时尚。个性,四季皆宜的安宫雪儿是中国大陆消费者们的最佳选择。Cher is in mainland China are the best choice for consumers.

但是那个屠夫正在甲板上等着要撕裂我的喉咙。But that but cher was waiting on the dock to slice my gizzard.

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跟一个领袖住在同一个屋檐下也很有社会压力。To be living in the same house with a president. Bonne nuit , cher Daddy.

歇尔斯说“我要有整齐白色软毛的深粉色车。"Cher said, 'I want a hot pink car with white fur trim,'" Barris recalled.

雪儿是一位亚美尼亚籍美国人,她是兼具演员、歌手、曲作家、作家和演艺人员。Cher is an Armenian-American actress, singer, songwriter, author and entertainer.

在这雪舞的世界里,雪儿以纯净的姿态,带给人们的是无限的美丽。In Xue Wu of the world, Cher in pure gesture, brought to people is infinitely beautiful.

雪儿望圣母保持连接通过电话会议的编程与遥远的苗族社会。Cher Vang stays connected with the far-flung Hmong community via teleconferencing programming.

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要滑雪能摔死都得是上双黑钻的高手,你只要乖乖待在绿道上出不了事。I always tell myself people have been killed skiing, like Cher 's husband and one of the Kennedys.

尹相派人刺杀徐炎,雪儿为救他而死,临死前告诉徐炎烟雨还活着。Yin Xiangpa assassination of sun, cher he died to save, dying to tell sun misty rain was still alive.

今天,雪儿望圣母参加的电话会议上从家里唱传统情歌。Today, Cher Vang participates on the teleconferencing line by singing a traditional love song from home.

巴雷特得到了70年代中期,特别是真正与雪儿在采访中选择了自己贝瑞特作为一个杰出的职业生涯。Barrett got particularly real with Cher in a mid-'70s interview chosen as a career standout by Barrett herself.

“我怎么能安心呢?月月和宝宝都在他们手里啊,谁知道那个臭男人会做出什么事来?”雪儿着急的说着,心里担心的要命。" How can I ease? Month and babies in their hands ah, who knows that man will do anything?" Cher anxious and worried about heart,.

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他很喜欢看连环画和米老鼠电影,后来还迷上了一个美国女歌手Cher。Dirac was a devotee of comic strips and he enjoyed Mickey Mouse films. He later developed an enthusiasm for an American singer, Cher.

“他这分明是在耍我们嘛。”雪儿心直口快的说,她本来想继续说,但被韩冷烟给瞪了一眼,她把话有吞了回去。" He this clearly is in us. " Cher outspoken, she wanted to say, but Han Lengyan gave a straight look, her words have swallowed back.

雪儿望圣母听她在华盛顿州的客厅。她中年,许多苗族人一样,战争分散了她的家人。Cher Vang listens in her living room in Washington state. She's middle-aged and, like many Hmong people, war has scattered her family.