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东北军和西北军控制了西安。Tungpei and Hsipei troops were in control at Sian.

我在到西安之前从来没有见到过一个红军战士。I have never seen a Red Army man before arrived in Sian.

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斯安有两个女儿,15岁的安娜和12岁的路易莎。Sian has two daughters, Anna and Louisa, aged 15 and 12.

我不知道美国的天气怎么样,现在西安有点冷。I have no idea what weather likes in the US, It's a bit cold in Sian now.

卡巴思安说,德国、法国和荷兰代表团近期对伊朗进行了访问。Kaba Sian said that Germany, France and Holland delegation recently visited Iran.

关于铁矿,卡巴思安说,伊朗有27亿吨铁矿石储量可供炼钢。About iron ore, Kaba Sian said, Iran has 27 tons of iron ore reserves can be steel.

她在西安逗留了几个月,终于失望地带着三个孩子回上海去了。She remained in Sian for several months, but finally returned with the children to Shanghai in despair.

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敌向徐州、郑州、西安、绥远诸路逃跑,是没有可能或很少可能的。There is little or no possibility that the enemy will flee towards Hsuchow, Chengchow, sian or Suiyuan.

古代玛雅人曾在这个地区居住过,在他们的语言里,圣卡安是“天之源”的意思。In the language of the Mayan peoples who once inhabited this region, Sian Ka'an means 'Origin of the Sky'.

今年,我们经历了非常严峻的金融危机,那就是一般人所指的亚洲金融风暴。This year, we have experienced a very severe crisis, what is commonly known as the A sian financial crisis.

“以合理价格创建优质放心工程”是易仙公司多年来的经营策略。A reasonable price to create quality assured project is easy to Sian company's business strategy over the years.

本文的目的在于描述一种用于表征和分析专家知识“贝叶斯因果图”。The main goal of this paper is to describe a 'Baye sian Causal maps' to represent and analyze domain knowledge of experts.

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伊利诺斯州芝加哥大学的心理学教授贝洛克对这些极度焦虑的考试者进行研究。Sian Beilock, a psychology professor at the University of Chicago in Illinois, has studied these highly anxious test-takers.

我们回到了北京,接着我和禹春卿参加了一个记者团,去西安和云南的9天西南之旅。We returned to Peking, and shortly Yu Chung-ching and I joined a group of correspondents for a nine-day trip southwest to Sian and Yenan.

抗战结束后,朱的妻子携带三个孩子去西安,想与她已分开八年的丈夫重聚。After the war ended, Chu's wife brought her three children to Sian to seek a reunion with her husband, from whom she had been separated for eight years.

西安一个男孩剃头后保留了顶发,是因为他的父母相信,这会哄骗恶魔把他误认为女孩而不值得伤害。Shaved head of a boy in Sian retains the topknot that his parents believe will trick evil spirits into mistaking him for a girl, unworthy of being harmed.

取消重庆、西安、桂林等地的八路军办事处,逮捕周恩来、叶剑英、董必武、邓颖超诸人。To close down the liaison offices of the Eighth Route Army in Chungking, Sian and Kweilin, and arrest Chou En-lai, Yeh Chien-ying, Tung Pi-wu and Teng Ying-chao.

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西安事变后蒋介石改变了对日看法,他想统一军令,但并不容易,周司令清楚作为下属一定要学会缄默。After the Sian incident Chiang kai-shek changed on th view, he want to unified commands, passed down but not easy, weeks commander clear as subordinate must learn to silence.